 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 such 当該
2 allow for public participation in such procedures 当該手続への公衆の参加を認める
3 conservation of wetlands such as bogs and tidelands 湿原・干潟等湿地の保全
4 except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol 当該議定書に別段の定めがある場合を除くほか
5 fusion resource facility such as incinerator furnace 焼却灰等の溶融資源化施設
6 living or dead specimens or parts of such 生きている標本もしくは死んでいる標本又はその部分
7 non-point pollution sources such as urban areas 都市等非特定汚染源
8 Options for alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation or arbitration 仲介、仲裁その他の裁判外の紛争解決の選択肢
9 reduction and assessment technology for toxic substances such as dioxins ダイオキシン等有害物質の削減評価技術
10 research and development expenses, such as satellites 衛星等研究開発経費
11 such as … …等
12 such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for 〜に必要と認められる補助機関
13 treatment technology for chlorinated organic degreasing agents such as dichloromethane ジクロロメタン等有機塩素系脱脂剤処理技術
14 usual disaster (such as damages would ordinarily arise, less than a certain insured amount)/unusual disaster (damages more than a certain insured amount) 通常災害・異常災害