 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 shipment 出荷量
2 shipment 積荷
3 bounty for shipment 出荷奨励金
4 classification by main shipment season of vegetables 野菜の季節区分
5 classification of vegetables for statistical survey on production and shipment 野菜の類別区分
6 co-operative shipment 系統出荷
7 cost of collection and shipment 集出荷経費
8 drop shipment 直送
9 lot assessment shipment ロット評価用出荷
10 product shipment 製造品出荷
11 Ratio of Low-emission Vehicles in the Total Domestic Shipment of Four-wheeled Vehicles 国内四輪自動車総出荷台数に占める低公害車の割合
12 shipment pretreatment 出荷前処理
13 crude oil transshipment station COS 石油中継備蓄基地
14 transhipment 積替え
15 transhipment, changing harvesting area and discontinuing harvesting 積替え、採取場の変更及び採取の中止