 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 products 製造品
2 agricultural products 農産物
3 agricultural products grown without using chemical fertilizers 無化学肥料栽培農産物
4 animal products 動物性食品
5 biological by-products of on-site processing 現場処理で生じた生物学的副産物
6 biological conversion products 生物学的生成物
7 brown rice grading by agricultural products inspection act 玄米の検査等級
8 carbon footprint of products CFP 製品のカーボンフットプリント
9 carbon stored in forest products 林産品に蓄えられた炭素
10 Chemical Products Council 化学物質審議会
11 Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会
12 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
13 cleaning products 洗浄剤
14 combustion products 燃焼生成物
15 complementary to technical requirements for products 製品に対する技術的要求事項を補完する
16 Construction By-products Information Exchange System 建設副産物情報交換システム
17 consumer products 民生機器
18 conversion products 二次製品
19 conversion products 変換製品
20 Council of Eight Construction Organizations to Tackle By-products 建設8団体副産物対策協議会
21 cutting-edge environmental products 最先端環境商品
22 deficiency (of products) 不具合(製品の)
23 Directorate for Forest Products Processing and Marketing インドネシア林業省林産物加工・マーケティング局
24 Directorate of Forest Levies and Forest Products Circulation 林業賦課金・林産物流通局
25 dressed carcass products 枝肉生産量
26 Eco-Products 2006 エコプロダクツ2006
27 energy efficiency standards of household electrical products and office equipments 家電・OA機器等の省エネルギー基準
28 environment friendly products; environmentally sound goods 環境保全型製品
29 Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals, Including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products (Agenda 21) 有害かつ危険な製品の不法な国際取引の防止を含む有害化学物質の環境上適正な管理(アジェンダ21)
30 environmentally sound products 環境調和型製品
31 environmentally-friendly products 環境配慮型商品
32 European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products ある種の洗剤の使用を制限するヨーロッパ諸国間取決め
33 event "The Blessing of Wetlands - Tourism and Products of Ramsar Sites" 湿地の恵み−ラムサール条約湿地の観光と物産展
34 express container train developed with the aim of realizing high-speed transport of small-quantity products combination freight 小口組み合わせ貨物の高速輸送
35 external transaction of products 現物外部取引
36 family consumption of products 生産現物家計消費
37 fishery products price index 水産物価格指数
38 forest products 森林生産物
39 forestry products in stock 未処分林産物
40 fresh fishery products 生鮮品
41 frozen fishery products 冷凍品
42 fumigate quarantined agricultural products 農産物の検疫くん蒸
43 FYXX Stores Receiving Special Commendation for Promoting Energy Saving Products 平成XX年度省エネ型製品普及推進優良店
44 gaseous combustion products ガス状燃焼生成物
45 Global Warming Prevention Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会地球温暖化防止対策部会
46 guideline for resourcing products that use biological and genetic materials from wild sources and indigenous communities 野生及び原住民社会に由来する生物素材及び遺伝素材を用いた製品の調達に関するガイドライン
47 Guidelines for Labeling of Organic Farm Products and Specially Grown Farm Products 有機農産物及び特別栽培農産物の表示ガイドライン
48 Guidelines for Promoting Proper Treatment of Construction By-products 建設副産物適正処理推進要綱
49 high-involvement products 高関与型商品
50 Household Products Quality Labelling Law 家庭用品品質表示法
51 integrated processing (of fishery products) 一貫加工
52 intermediate products 中間生産物
53 Law for Ensuring the Implementation of Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons concerning Specified Products Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Law; Law concerning the Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons 特定製品に係るフロン類の回収及び破壊の実施の確保等に関する法律 フロン回収破壊法
54 Letter of Authorization for Forest Products 合法林産物証明書(インドネシア)
55 livestock products 畜産物生産量
56 low-formaldehyde wood/timber products 低ホルムアルデヒドの木・木材製品
57 low-involvement products 低関与型商品
58 main products 主産物
59 marine products water 水産用水
60 marketing(of fishery products) 水産物の流通
61 milk products 乳製品
62 national products chemistry 天然物化学
63 new products need to satisfy customers' requirements 新商品は顧客の要求を満たすものであること
64 other products for fishery products その他の水産加工品
65 Ozone Layer Protection Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会オゾン層保護対策部会
66 Permission for Forest Products Business- Natural Forest 天然林木材林産物利用事業許可
67 Permission for Use by Forest Products Businesses-Plantation Forest 人工林木材林産物利用事業許可
68 Permission for Use by Forest Products Business-Natural Forest 天然林木材林産物利用事業許可(インドネシア)
69 primary processed (fishery) products/secondary processed (fishery) products 1次製品・2次製品
70 processed agricultural products 加工農産物
71 processed fishery products 水産加工品
72 processed meat products 食肉加工品
73 production cost of agricultural products, livestock and cocoon 農畜産物・繭の生産費
74 Products 商品等
75 products and services 製品とサービス
76 products for enhancing eyelash growth 睫毛の成長を促す製品
77 products' package inserts 製品の添付文書
78 Program for promoting the purchase of eco-friendly products 環境保全型製品購入促進事業
79 Project for Developing Supply Bases for Marine Products 水産物供給基盤整備事業
80 quantity of fishery products deposited (to the cold storage) as of the end of every month 水産物月末在庫量
81 quantity of fishery products deposited per month 水産物月間入庫量
82 quantity of fishery products released per month 水産物月間出庫量
83 Recommended List for Specification of Materials, etc. of Goods and Products with Low Environment Load 物品等の環境負荷の少ない仕様、材質等に関する推奨リスト
84 Risk Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会リスク管理部会
85 Safety Measures Committee of the Chemical Products Council 化学品審議会安全対策部会
86 special forest products 特用林産物
87 stock farm products 畜産物
88 stock of agricultural products 未処分農産物
89 target products 対象品目
90 technology to lengthen the service life of products 製品の長寿命化技術
91 the company actively develops new products (including services) or innovates work processes 新商品の開発及び/又は業務の改革が積極的に行われていること
92 timber products 木材製品
93 Viral safety evaluation of biotechnology products derived from cell lines of human or animal origin ヒト又は動物細胞株を用いて製造されるバイオテクノロジー応用医薬品のウイルス安全性評価
94 wholesale price of wooden products 木材製品の卸売価格
95 wholesale prices of fishery products in landing area 産地卸売価格
96 wholesale quantity of fishery products 卸売数量
97 4 products in 3 categories 3分野4品目