 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 ownership 帰属
2 ownership 所有
3 ownership 所有権
4 agreed disposition of ownership in the samples 試料の所有権の譲渡に関する合意事項
5 automobile ownership 自動車保有台数
6 classification on farmland ownership and farm management 農地の所有・経営に関する分類
7 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 文化財の不法な輸入輸出及び所有権譲渡の禁止及び防止の手段に関する条約
8 conversion to public ownership 公有化
9 co-ownership 共有
10 development of forests by separate ownership 分収育林
11 dispersion in ownership of genetic resources 遺伝資源の所有権の分散性
12 household car ownership rate 乗用車世帯保有率
13 Identifying ownership of the carbon in Woodland Creation projects 森林創出プロジェクトにおける所有権の特定
14 immediate acquisition (of ownership) 即時取得
15 increasing ownership of private vehicles 自家用乗用車の保有台数の伸び
16 individual ownership 個人所有
17 legal ownership of the land 合法的な土地所有権
18 multiple ownership of a single property or resource 一つの財または資源に対する所有権の重複
19 nature of ownership; legal form 企業形態(法的形態)
20 numeric code showing city or private tree ownership 樹木が市有か民有かを示す数字コード
21 organically grown produce ownership program 有機農業オーナー制度
22 ownership and partnership 自助努力と連帯
23 ownership of natural resources 自然資源の所有権
24 ownership rate of over two cars 乗用車2台以上保有率
25 ownership types of agricultural machinery (facilities) 農業機械(施設)の所有形態
26 partition of property in co-ownership 共有物の分割
27 private ownership of genetic resources 遺伝資源の私的所有権
28 property in co-ownership 共有物
29 quasi co-ownership 準共有
30 rice terrace ownership system 千枚田オーナー制度
31 stakeholder ownership 利害関係者たちが自分達の問題であるという意識を持つこと