 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 owned 直営
2 classification of farm household by agricultural labor force owned 農業労働力保有状態別分類
3 company owned stock holding 民間備蓄
4 company owned stock piling 民間備蓄
5 industrial owned power generation 自家発電
6 industrial-owned power generator 自家発電設備
7 land/water owned and/or managed by the EPA EPAが所有又は管理する土地又は水域
8 lands and waters owned/managed by the EPA EPA estate EPAが所有又は管理する土地及び水域 EPA管理地
9 license for reclamation of publicly owned water surface 公有水面埋立ての免許
10 owned land 所有土地
11 private owned 私有林
12 privately owned company 私企業
13 privately owned forest 民有林
14 privately owned land 民有地
15 public-owned water 公有水面
16 travel in a company-owned car 社有車での移動
17 types of owned forest 森林保育形態
18 dead downed woody material 枯死倒木による木質物
19 drowned valley おぼれ谷