 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 maintenance 維持管理
2 maintenance 維持
3 maintenance 保持
4 maintenance 保全
5 action for maintenance of possession 占有保持の訴え
6 annual ‘on-site’ maintenance programme 毎年の「現場」保守プログラム
7 corrective maintenance 事故保全
8 daily maintenance routine 保全の日課
9 Development of the Program for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Populations of the Japanese Wood Pigeon (Columba janthina nitens) and Short-tailed Albatross (Diomedea albatrus) カガシラカラスバト及びアホウドリ保護増殖事業計画の策定
10 during servicing and maintenance of equipment 機器整備時
11 forest maintenance 森林整備
12 handling, maintenance, and storage 取扱い、保守、保管
13 improvement and maintenance 改善と維持
14 maintenance and check 保守点検
15 maintenance and improvement of product and operational qualities 商品品質及び業務の質の管理と改善
16 maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings 存続可能な種の個体群の自然の生息環境における維持及び回復
17 maintenance business メンテナンス産業
18 maintenance engineer 保守技術士
19 maintenance equipment 整備機材
20 maintenance of periodontal health 歯周部を健康に保つこと
21 maintenance of qualification バリデーションの維持
22 maintenance of records 記録の維持
23 maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings 存続可能な種の個体群の自然の生息環境における維持
24 maintenance of way 保線
25 maintenance request 保守要請
26 maintenance service business for septic tank し尿浄化槽清掃業
27 maintenance;upkeeping 維持管理
28 malfunction due to improper maintenance メンテナンスの不全による故障
29 nature maintenance forest 自然維持林
30 operation and maintenance O & M 運転管理
31 operation and maintenance 維持管理
32 operation and maintenance by contract 委託管理
33 owner-farmer maintenance fund finance system 自作農維持資金融通制度
34 periodic maintenance 定期的な保全
35 predictive maintenance 予知保全
36 preventive maintenance 予防保全
37 private agency engaging in maintenance and control of fecal matter disposal facilities し尿浄化槽清掃業
38 private sewerage system maintenance manager 浄化槽管理士
39 Program for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Population of Okinawa Rails ヤンバルクイナ保護増殖事業計画
40 Programs for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Populations 保護増殖事業
41 scheduled maintenance 定期整備
42 soil fertility maintenance 地力維持
43 Special Measures for Forest Maintenance for Coexistence with Nature 自然との共生の森整備特別対策
44 tree maintenance plan TMP 樹木維持管理計画