 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 investigation 審査
2 investigation 捜査
3 investigation 調査
4 aircraft and railway accidents investigation commission 航空・鉄道事故調査委員会
5 Ariake Sea and Yatsushiro Sea Comprehensive Investigation and Evaluation Committee 有明海・八代海総合調査評価委員会
6 complaint investigation 苦情調査
7 customer complaint investigation 顧客苦情調査
8 Deferral of investigation or prosecution 捜査又は訴追の延期
9 EN ISO 14155-1 Clinical Investigation of Medical Devices for Human Subjects EN ISO 14155-1 医療機器の臨床試験基準
10 environmental pollution investigation 環境汚染調査
11 field investigation 実地調査
12 field investigation 屋外調査
13 field investigation 現地調査
14 fixed point investigation 定点調査
15 followup investigation of pollution caused by chemical substances created unintentionally 非意図的生成化学物質汚染実態追跡調査
16 Food Sanitation Investigation Council 食品衛生調査会
17 geotechnical investigation 土質調査
18 Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment GIPME 世界海洋環境汚染調査
19 Initiation of an investigation 捜査の端緒
20 investigation and measurement 調査測定
21 Investigation Committee for Car Noise Control Technology 自動車騒音低減技術評価検討会
22 investigation inquiry 調査
23 investigation into violations 違反調査
24 investigation of inter-laboratory comparison analysis for environmental monitoring 環境測定分析統一精度管理調査
25 investigation of the current situation with regard to possible adverse effects on wildlife 野生動物への影響実態調査
26 investigation of the ecosystem and home range 生態・行動圏調査
27 investigation of wildlife contamination pathway 野生動物汚染経路調査
28 investigation on practical use of DPF-equipped buses DPF搭載バスの実用化調査
29 investigation, replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process 解剖学的支援又は生理学的なプロセスの検査、代替、または修復
30 National Bureau of Investigation NBI 国家捜査局
31 remedial investigation 改善調査
32 root cause investigation 根本原因調査
33 sperm investigation 精子調査
34 underwater investigation 潜航調査