 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 housing 住宅
2 area of studded housing 住宅が点在する地域
3 Chemical Substance Subcommittee set up under the Healthy Home Standards Formulation Expert Working Group of the Study Committee for Healthy and Comfortable Housing 快適で健康的な住宅に関する検討会議健康住宅関連基準策定専門部会化学物質小委員会
4 chlorinator housing 塩素注入機室
5 clustered housing area 住宅集合地域
6 collective housing 集合住宅
7 Comprehensive Development Program for the Reinvigoration of Agricultural Villages (development of countryside residential housing space) 農村振興総合整備事業(田園居住空間整備)
8 countryside housing area 田園居住空間
9 Department of Housing and Urban Development (US) HUD 住宅・都市開発省(米)
10 energy consumption for heating and cooling of housing 冷暖房用エネルギー
11 energy efficient housing and building 省エネルギー型住宅・建築物
12 food, clothing and housing 衣食住
13 high-density housing area 住宅密集地域
14 housing complex 団地
15 housing cost 住居費
16 housing density 住宅密度
17 housing development 団地
18 housing land space 宅地
19 housing policy 住宅政策
20 housing project 住宅計画
21 housing shortage 住宅不足
22 housing situation 住宅事情
23 housing standard 住宅水準
24 housing statistics survey 住宅統計調査
25 labeling system of energy efficiency of housing 住宅の性能表示制度
26 measure to improve energy conservation of residential housing 住宅の省エネ性能の向上対策
27 member of housing structure 住宅構成部材
28 Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Netherlands オランダ住宅・国土計画・環境省
29 photovoltaic power generation for housing 住宅用太陽光発電
30 Subcommittee for Housing and Living 住まいとくらし分科会
31 urban development project for building new residential housing 新住宅市街地開発事業