 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 household 世帯
2 absolute-value comparison of energy consumption per household 一世帯あたりのエネルギー消費の絶対量の比較
3 agricultural holding (s) other than farm household (s) 農家以外の農業事業体
4 business farm household (s) 主業農家
5 classification of farm household by agricultural labor force owned 農業労働力保有状態別分類
6 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
7 classification of farm household by cultivated land under management 経営耕地面積規模別分類
8 classification of farm household by full-time and part-time 専兼業別分類
9 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
10 classification of farm household by type of farm 農業経営組織別分類
11 combined household wastewater treatment facility 合併処理浄化槽
12 combined household wastewater treatment facility (combined type Johkaso) 合併処理浄化槽
13 Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Facility Establishment Preparation Project 合併処理浄化槽設置整備事業
14 commercial farm household (s) 販売農家
15 Day of Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Facility 浄化槽の日
16 earnings of fishery household 漁家所得
17 economic surplus of fishery household 経済余剰
18 energy efficiency standards of household electrical products and office equipments 家電・OA機器等の省エネルギー基準
19 energy saving household bookkeeping 省エネ家計簿
20 energy-saving household electrical appliance 省エネ家電
21 environmental household account book 環境家計簿
22 environmental household bookkeeping campaign 環境家計簿運動
23 environmental household bookkeeping system 環境家計簿
24 exceptional farm household (s) 例外規定農家
25 farm household (s) 農家
26 farm household by group 農家類別分類
27 farm household joining a mutualaid association 共済加入農家
28 farm household members 農家世帯員
29 farm household members engaged in non-agricultural works 兼業従事者
30 farm household sericulture 養蚕農家
31 fishery household 漁家
32 fishery household 漁業世帯
33 fishery household members 漁業世帯員
34 fishery worker's household 漁業従事者世帯
35 fuel cells for household use 家庭用燃料電池
36 furniture and household utensils cost 家具・家事用品費
37 general household 一般家庭
38 Guideline on Measures to Cope with Miscellaneous Household Effluent 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
39 Guidelines for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
40 head of household 世帯主
41 high-performance household wastewater treatment facility 高度処理浄化槽
42 household and general commercial waste 一般廃棄物
43 household appliance 家庭用機器
44 household area 家屋面積
45 household car ownership rate 乗用車世帯保有率
46 household consumption expenditure 家計消費支出
47 household eco-account book 環境家計簿
48 household economic final consumption data 家計の最終消費データ
49 household economy 家庭経済
50 household effluent 生活雑排水
51 household effluent 家庭排水
52 household effluent 生活排水
53 household electrical appliance 家電
54 household energy management services 家庭のエネルギー管理サービス
55 household filter 家庭用濾過機
56 household formation pattern 世帯形成パターン
57 household garbage 家庭ごみ
58 household gas cylinder 家庭用ガスボンベ
59 household name 誰でも知っている名前
60 Household Products Quality Labelling Law 家庭用品品質表示法
61 Household Projections for Japan 日本の世帯数の将来推計
62 household rate 戸数割り
63 household refuse 家庭系ごみ
64 household refuse 家庭廃棄物
65 household retired from agriculture 離農世帯
66 household sewage 家庭下水
67 household solid waste 生活系ごみ
68 household waste 家庭ごみ
69 household waste 生活系廃棄物
70 household waste 家庭系廃棄物
71 household waste 家庭廃棄物
72 household wastewater 汚水
73 household wastewater 生活排水
74 household wastewater 家庭排水
75 household wastewater flow 基礎家庭汚水量
76 household wastewater treatment facility 単独処理浄化槽
77 Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁
78 Imperial Household Agency 宮内庁(日本)
79 inheritor of fishery household 漁業後継者
80 Law for the Control of Household Goods Containing Harmful Substances 有害物質を含有する家庭用品の規制に関する法律
81 noncommercial farm household (s) 自給的農家
82 part-time farm household 兼業農家
83 per-household energy intensity 家庭用エネルギー消費原単位
84 Program for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活排水対策推進計画
85 property of farm-household 農家財産
86 refrigerated warehouse for household use 自家用冷蔵倉庫(工場)
87 semi-business farm household (s) 準主業農家
88 side-business farm household (s) 副業的農家
89 single-person household 単身世帯
90 small combined household wastewater treatment facility 小型合併処理浄化槽
91 Specific Household Appliance Recycling Act (or Law) 特定家庭用機器再商品化法
92 standard for the breeding, feeding, and keeping of household animals 家庭動物等の飼養及び保管に関する基準
93 surplus of farm household economy 農家経済余剰
94 total income of farm household 農家総所得
95 treatment facilities for household wastewater 生活排水処理施設
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