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英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 grain 穀物
2 grain 穀類
3 grain
4 character of rice grain 米粒の形質
5 condition of starch accumulation in grain observed from a viewpoint of their external characters (length, width, thickness, etc.) 粒肥大の良否
6 flat sawn grain 板目
7 grade of grain 粒度
8 grain boundary 結晶限界
9 grain diameter 粒径
10 grain production 穀類生産
11 grain production 穀物生産量
12 grain size 結晶粒度
13 grain size 粒径
14 grain size 粒度
15 grain size distribution 粒径分布
16 miscellaneous grain crop 雑殻
17 number of brown rice grain per unit area 玄米粒数
18 quartersawn grain 柾目
19 rate of perfectly ripened grain numbers to total grains 上粒数歩合(子実粒数歩合)
20 ripening grain 稔実粒
21 size distribution of grain 粒径分布
22 thickness of rice grain 粒厚
23 unstable grain production 穀物生産の不安定化
24 whole grain number per unit area 全粒数
25 1,000 grain weight of fully ripened wheat (barley) 上麦千粒重
26 1,000 grain weight of gross brown rice 粗玄米千粒重
27 1,000 grain weight of imperfectly ripened wheat (barley) くず麦千粒量