 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 fishing 漁獲
2 Act of 17 June 1966 No. 19 relating to a prohibition against fishing, etc., by foreign nationals in Norway’s territorial waters ノルウェー領海内における外国人による漁業等の禁止に関する1966年6月17日付法律第19号
3 Act of 26 March 1999 No. 15 relating to the right to participate in fishing and hunting 漁業及び狩猟への参加権に関する1999年3月26日付法律第15号
4 agricultural, fishing, and mountain villages 農山漁村
5 angling and recreational fishing 職業ではない釣り及び趣味の釣り
6 catch quantity by recreational boat fishing 遊漁採捕量
7 charter fishing チャーターフィッシング
8 classification by tonnage of fishing vessel 漁船トン数規模区分
9 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
10 classification of marine fishery fishing units by tonnage of fishing vessel 海面漁業漁労体規模分類
11 coastal fishing 沿岸漁業
12 coastal fishing community 沿岸漁業社会
13 coastal fishing ground improvement project 沿岸漁場整備開発事業
14 Convention concerning Fishing in the Black Sea 黒海漁業条約
15 Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific 南太平洋において長距離流し網を用いる漁業を禁止する条約 南太平洋流し網漁業禁止条約
16 Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and Belts バルト海生物資源の漁業及び保全に関する条約
17 Convention on the Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas 公海の生物資源の漁業及び保全に関する条約
18 deep-sea fishing 遠洋漁業
19 development of fishing community effluent treatment facility 漁業集落排水施設整備
20 fin-fishing ナガスクジラ漁
21 fishing activity 漁獲活動
22 fishing boat 漁船
23 fishing capacity 漁獲能力
24 fishing community effluent treatment facility 漁業集落排水施設
25 fishing condition 漁況
26 fishing effort 漁獲努力量
27 fishing effort 漁獲努力
28 fishing equipment 漁具
29 fishing ground 漁場
30 Fishing Ground Creation Project 海の畑づくり
31 fishing ground environment 漁場環境
32 fishing ground environment conservation and comprehensive beautification promotion project 漁場環境保全総合美化推進事業
33 fishing ground environments 漁場環境
34 fishing ground protection 漁場保全
35 fishing intensity 漁獲強度
36 fishing net 魚網
37 fishing park 釣り場・釣り堀
38 fishing pattern 漁獲の態様
39 fishing people 漁民
40 fishing place 釣場
41 fishing port 漁港
42 fishing port environment development project 漁港環境整備事業
43 Fishing Port Interaction Plaza Development Program 漁港交流広場整備事業
44 fishing port utilization coordination program 漁港利用調整事業 フィッシャリーナ整備事業
45 fishing quota 漁獲割り当て
46 fishing resources management 資源管理
47 fishing right 漁業権
48 fishing season 漁期
49 fishing unit 漁労体
50 fishing vessel 漁船
51 fixed fishing net 定置網
52 forecasting of fishing and oceanographic conditions 漁海況予報
53 frequency of fishing trips 航海数
54 frontal fishing ground 前線漁場
55 game fishing ゲームフィッシング
56 illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 違法・無報告・無規制漁業
57 Japan Sports Fishing Association (財)日本釣振興会
58 kind of fishing vessels 漁船の種類
59 Law concerning the Promotion of Infrastructure Development for Recreational Activities While Staying at Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages 農山漁村滞在型余暇活動のための基盤整備の促進に関する法律
60 limit for sales of catches from angling and recreational fishing 職業ではない釣り及び趣味の釣りによる漁獲物の販売制限
61 major fishing areas for statistical purposes 操業水域区分
62 measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 違法・無報告・無規制漁業に対する措置
63 method to improve the fishing ground environment 漁場環境改善方策
64 number of fishing days 出漁日数
65 pelagic fishing 遠洋漁業
66 permitted recreational fishing apparatus 許可されている趣味用釣り具
67 pleasure fishing boat operator 遊漁船業者
68 prevention of fishing 漁獲の防止
69 Program for Promoting the Creation of Beautiful Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages through Partnership 美しい農村漁村創出連携促進事業
70 Program for the Promotion of Environment-Friendly Fishing Port Creation 自然調和型漁港づくり推進事業
71 Project for Promoting the Creation of Lively Fishing Villages 漁村活性化推進事業
72 promotion project for exchange between cities and fishing villages 都市漁村交流推進事業
73 recreational boat fishing guide 海面船釣遊漁船業者
74 recreational fishing 遊漁
75 recreational fishing guide 遊漁案内業
76 register of fishing vessels 漁船登録簿
77 Relaxing Vacation at Agricultural, Mountainous and Fishing Villages Promotion Program 「農山漁村でゆとりある休暇を」推進事業
78 Relaxing Vacations in Fishing and Mountain Villages Promotion Program 「山村漁村でゆとりある休暇を」推進事業
79 Relief Fund for Oil Pollution Damage in Fishing Grounds (財)漁場油濁被害救済基金
80 reports on fishing catches 漁獲成績等報告書
81 staining of fishing boats and equipment 漁船・漁具の汚れ
82 stowage of fishing gear 漁具の格納
83 tonnage of fishing vessels 漁船トン数
84 UNGA Resolution: Large-scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and Its Impacts on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas 大規模遠洋流し網漁業及び世界の海洋生物資源に対するその影響に関する国連総会決議
85 Water Quality Conservation in Agricultural, Fishing, and Mountain Villages 農山漁村地域における水質保全対策