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英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 fishery 漁業
2 fishery 水産業
3 fishery 漁獲
4 angling fishery 釣漁業
5 boat seine fishery 船びき網漁業
6 canned (fishery) foods and bottled (fishery) foods 缶詰・瓶詰
7 catch〔inland water fishery〕 漁獲量〔内水面漁業〕
8 catch〔marine fishery〕 漁獲量〔海面漁業〕
9 classification of fisheries〔marine fishery〕 漁業分類〔海面漁業〕
10 classification of fishery establishment by full-time and part-time 漁業の専兼業分類
11 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
12 classification of fishery establishment by type of management 経営組織区分
13 classification of marine fishery fishing units by tonnage of fishing vessel 海面漁業漁労体規模分類
14 classification of species〔inland water fishery〕 魚種分類〔内水面漁業〕
15 classification of species〔marine fishery〕 魚種分類〔海面漁業〕
16 coastal fishery 沿岸漁業
17 comprehensive project to promote fishery oriented for proper resources management 資源管理型漁業推進総合対策事業
18 cost of fishery management 漁業経営費
19 dependency on fishery 漁業依存度
20 distant water fishery 遠洋漁業
21 dragnet fishery 地びき網漁業
22 earnings of fishery household 漁家所得
23 economic surplus of fishery household 経済余剰
24 ecosystem conservation-type fishery 生態系保全型漁業
25 estimated interest of capital amount invested to fishery 漁業見積り資本利子
26 exclusive fishery zone 漁業専管水域
27 farming fishery 栽培漁業
28 Fishery Agency 水産庁(日本)
29 fishery class 1 水産1級
30 fishery community 漁業集落
31 fishery district 漁業地区
32 fishery earnings 漁業所得
33 fishery earnings excluding taxes 税引漁業所得
34 fishery establishment 漁業経営体
35 fishery expenditure 漁業支出
36 fishery fixed assets per person engaged in fishery 漁業固定資本装備率
37 fishery household 漁家
38 fishery household 漁業世帯
39 fishery household members 漁業世帯員
40 fishery income 漁業収入
41 fishery income produced 漁業生産所得
42 fishery operator 漁業者
43 fishery oriented for proper resources management   資源管理型漁業
44 fishery product 水産物
45 fishery production 漁業生産
46 fishery production activity 漁業生産活動
47 fishery production cost 漁業生産費用
48 fishery production value 漁業生産額
49 fishery products price index 水産物価格指数
50 fishery profit 漁業利益
51 fishery resources 水産資源
52 fishery right 漁業権
53 fishery strata 漁業層
54 fishery worker 漁業従事者
55 fishery worker living on the coastal area and engaged in fishery 漁業就業者
56 fishery worker's household 漁業従事者世帯
57 fixed net fishery 定置網漁業
58 fresh fishery food 生鮮食品
59 fresh fishery products 生鮮品
60 frozen fishery products 冷凍品
61 gill net fishery 刺網漁業
62 high sea fishery 遠洋漁業
63 index number of agricultural, forestry and fishery production 農林水産業生産指数
64 index number of fishery production 水産業生産指数
65 inheritor of fishery household 漁業後継者
66 inland water fishery 内水面漁業
67 inland water fishery establishment 内水面漁業経営体
68 integrated processing (of fishery products) 一貫加工
69 invested capital for fishery 漁業投下資本額
70 labour expenses ratio to fishery income 労賃率
71 large scale fishery company 大規模漁業会社
72 lift net fishery 敷網漁業
73 long line fishery はえ縄漁業
74 managed fishery 管理漁業
75 marine fishery 海面漁業
76 marine fishery establishment 海面漁業経営体
77 marketing(of fishery products) 水産物の流通
78 medium scale fishery establishment 中小漁業経営体
79 net earnings from fishery 漁業純収益
80 non-fishery business earnings 漁業外事業所得
81 non-fishery business expenditure 漁業外事業支出
82 non-fishery income 漁業外事業収入
83 ocean fishery 海面漁業
84 offshore fishery 沖合漁業
85 other products for fishery products その他の水産加工品
86 primary processed (fishery) products/secondary processed (fishery) products 1次製品・2次製品
87 processed fishery products 水産加工品
88 profit from fishery enterprise 漁業企業利潤
89 purse seine fishery まき網漁業
90 quantity of fishery products deposited (to the cold storage) as of the end of every month 水産物月末在庫量
91 quantity of fishery products deposited per month 水産物月間入庫量
92 quantity of fishery products released per month 水産物月間出庫量
93 ratio of fishery earnings to cover family expenditure 家計費充足率(漁業の場合)
94 ratio of fishery income produced 漁業生産所得率
95 ratio of profit to invested capital for fishery 漁業投下資本利益率
96 set net fishery 定置網漁業
97 stationary net fishery 定置網漁業
98 taxes, public imposts and obligations for fishery 漁業部門租税公課諸負担
99 trawl fishery 底びき網漁業
100 unforeseen damage to fishery 突発的漁業被害