 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 establish 確立する
2 establish 形成する
3 establish 策定する
4 establish 制定する
5 establish 成立させる
6 establish 設定する
7 establish 確立する(マネジメントシステムを)、作成する(マニュアルを)
8 establish 制定する〔法を〕
9 establish a system 制度を確立する
10 establish the clear mid- and long-term vision 明確な中・長期的なビジョンを定める
11 establish the science to policy partnership 科学を政策に生かすパートナーシップ
12 policies to establish, manage and maintain GHG information GHGの情報を確定し、管理し、かつ維持するための方針
13 project to establish public pollution prevention facilities 共同公害防止処理施設設置事業
14 re-establish 再定着
15 Act for Establishment 設置法
16 Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 総務省設置法
17 act of establishment 設定行為
18 Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization 世界貿易機関を設立するマラケシュ協定 マラケシュ協定;世界貿易機関設立協定
19 Agreement for the Establishment of a General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean 地中海漁業評議会設立取決め
20 agricultural services establishment 農業サービス事業体
21 Basic Policy in Formulating FY2003 Tax Reform Report - Policy Guidance on the Establishment of a Desirable Tax System 平成15年度における税制改革についての答申−あるべき税制の構築に向けて−
22 business establishment 事業場
23 business establishment 事業所
24 business establishment 企業
25 business establishment concluding pollution control agreement 公害防止協定締結事業所
26 case studies on establishment of environmental management system システム構築事例集
27 classification of fishery establishment by full-time and part-time 漁業の専兼業分類
28 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
29 classification of fishery establishment by type of management 経営組織区分
30 Combined Household Wastewater Treatment Facility Establishment Preparation Project 合併処理浄化槽設置整備事業
31 Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization ヨーロッパ及び地中海の植物保護機構設立協定
32 Convention for the Establishment of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 国際海事機関(IMO)条約 IMO条約
33 designation of a permanent Secretariat and establishment of Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) 常設事務局の指定、科学技術助言補助機関 (SBSTTA)の設置
34 establishing operational boundaries 活動の境界の設定
35 establishment 確立
36 establishment 形成
37 establishment 策定
38 establishment 施設
39 establishment 場屋
40 establishment 制定
41 establishment 成立
42 establishment 設定
43 establishment 設立
44 establishment for direct sales 農産物直売施設
45 establishment for processing experience 加工体験施設
46 establishment of a necessary structure for consumer-oriented management 消費者志向経営に関する体制の構築
47 establishment of a sound material-cycle society 循環型社会形成
48 establishment of a working group of experts on biosafety バイオセーフティに関する作業部会の設置
49 establishment of a working group on protected areas, and a working group on review of implementation of the Convention 保護区域に関する作業部会、条約の実施に関する作業部会の設置
50 establishment of a working group on traditional knowledge, etc. 伝統的知識に関する作業部会の設置など
51 establishment of an intellectual base 知的基盤の整備
52 establishment of Biodiversity Advisory Council (Vanuatu) 生物多様性審議会の設置 (バヌアツ)
53 establishment of Bioprospecting Trust Fund (South Africa) バイオプロスペクティング信託基金の設立(南ア)
54 establishment of environmental registry 環境登録簿の作成
55 establishment of high-productivity paddy-field farming 水田農業経営確立
56 establishment of joint research programmes 共同研究計画の作成
57 establishment of joint venture 合弁事業の設立
58 establishment of scientific authority 科学当局の設置
59 establishment of Standards and Enforcement Review Committee 基準実施検討委員会の設置
60 establishment of systems for managing quality, quantity, delivery, costs, safety, environment, etc. 品質・量・納期・原価・安全・環境などの管理システムの整備
61 establishment of the National Environment Council (Kenya) 国家環境評議会の設置(ケニア)
62 establishment of the National Environment Tribunal (Kenya) 国家環境裁判所の設置(ケニア)
63 establishment of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing, etc. 遺伝資源へのアクセスと利益配分(ABS)に関する作業部会の設置など
64 establishment period 定着期間
65 establishments for farming use 農用施設
66 farming, establishments except farm households 農業事業体
67 fishery establishment 漁業経営体
68 forestry establishments except forestry households 林家以外の林業事業体
69 forestry services establishment 林業サービス事業体等
70 Fundamental Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本法
71 Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本計画 循環基本計画
72 How was the Deming Prize established? デミング賞創設のいきさつ
73 inland water aquaculture establishment 内水面養殖業経営体
74 inland water fishery establishment 内水面漁業経営体
75 Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured GEF 再編されるGEFの設立のための文書
76 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 油による汚染損害の補償のための国際基金の設立に関する国際条約 油濁補償基金条約
77 Law for Promoting Establishment of the New Industrial Cities 新産業都市建設促進法
78 Law for the Establishment of the Environment Agency 環境庁設置法
79 Law for the Establishment of the Ministry of the Environment 環境省設置法
80 legal establishment 設立登記地
81 log produce establishment 素材生産事業体
82 log producing services establishment 素材生産サービス事業体
83 marine aquaculture establishment 海面養殖業経営体
84 marine fishery establishment 海面漁業経営体
85 measures for noise and vibration caused by operations in factories, business establishments, and construction works 工場・事業場及び建設作業騒音・振動対策
86 medium scale fishery establishment 中小漁業経営体
87 Noise in excess of established standards prohibited 騒音基準を超える騒音の禁止
88 notification of factory establishment 特定施設設置届出
89 number of business establishments concluding pollution control agreements 公害防止協定締結事業所数
90 Office of Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会推進室
91 organic wastewater treatment technologies for small-scale establishments 小規模事業場向け有機性排水処理技術
92 Pollution Dispute Coordination Commission Establishment Law 公害等調整委員会設置法
93 practical guidelines for designing the new Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 新たな循環型社会形成推進基本計画の策定のための具体的な指針
94 Proclamation No. 120/1998 Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Research Establishment Proclamation 法律第120/1998号:生物多様性保全研究所設置法
95 project for establishing CDM operational entity CDM運営組織整備事業
96 proof of legal establishment 設立登記された組織であることの証明書
97 Protocol for verification tests on the FYXX Pilot Project of the ETV in the field of VOC treatment technology (for medium and small scale establishments) 平成XX年度環境技術実証モデル事業VOC処理技術分野「中小事業所向けVOC処理技術実証試験試験要領」
98 Research on establishment of genetically engineered cells expressing human liver enzymes for novel mutagenic assay 人工ヒト化細胞による環境変異原物質検出技術の開発に関する研究
99 results of the 3rd annual review of the progress in implementing the Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 循環型社会形成推進基本計画の進捗状況の第3回点検結果について
100 silviculture services establishment 育林サービス事業体