 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 classification 分類
2 classification 分級
3 AASHO soil classification system AASHO土質分類
4 air classification 空力選別
5 area classification 地域類型の当てはめ
6 classification agricultural area 農業地域類型
7 classification by flower cropping type 花きの作型区分
8 classification by flower harvesting year 花きの年産区分
9 classification by harvesting year of fruits and nuts 果樹の年産区分
10 classification by harvesting year of vegetables 野菜の年産区分
11 classification by kinds of processing of fruits and vegetables 青果物の加工種類区分
12 classification by main shipment season of vegetables 野菜の季節区分
13 classification by management types of beef cattle 肉用牛経営タイプの分類
14 classification by management types of hog 養豚経営タイプの分類
15 classification by principal occupation 農業主従別分類
16 classification by size of agricultural land excluding forest which is not used for pasturing 経営農用地規模別分類
17 classification by size of input agricultural labor 農業投下労働規模別分類
18 classification by status of farm business 主副業別分類
19 classification by tonnage of fishing vessel 漁船トン数規模区分
20 classification by type of farm management 組織形態別分類
21 classification by type of management 経営形態別分類
22 classification by variety of fruits and nuts 果樹の品種区分
23 classification of agricultural holdings 農家等分類
24 classification of aquaculture methods〔inland water aquaculture〕 養殖方法分類〔内水面養殖業〕
25 classification of aquaculture methods〔marine aquaculture〕 養殖方法分類〔海面養殖業〕
26 classification of aquaculture〔inland water aquaculture〕 養殖種類分類〔内水面養殖業〕
27 classification of aquaculture〔marine aquaculture〕 養殖分類〔海面養殖業〕
28 classification of cities set up fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale market 都市類別
29 classification of crude oil 原油分類法
30 classification of farm household by agricultural labor force owned 農業労働力保有状態別分類
31 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
32 classification of farm household by cultivated land under management 経営耕地面積規模別分類
33 classification of farm household by full-time and part-time 専兼業別分類
34 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
35 classification of farm household by type of farm 農業経営組織別分類
36 classification of farm management 農業経営分類
37 classification of fisheries〔marine fishery〕 漁業分類〔海面漁業〕
38 classification of fishery establishment by full-time and part-time 漁業の専兼業分類
39 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
40 classification of fishery establishment by type of management 経営組織区分
41 classification of marine fishery fishing units by tonnage of fishing vessel 海面漁業漁労体規模分類
42 Classification of Palearctic Habitat 旧北区生息地分類
43 classification of species〔inland water aquaculture〕 魚種分類〔内水面養殖業〕
44 classification of species〔inland water fishery〕 魚種分類〔内水面漁業〕
45 classification of species〔marine aquaculture〕 養殖魚種分類〔海面養殖業〕
46 classification of species〔marine fishery〕 魚種分類〔海面漁業〕
47 classification of vegetables by cropping types 野菜の作型区分
48 classification of vegetables for statistical survey on production and shipment 野菜の類別区分
49 classification on farmland ownership and farm management 農地の所有・経営に関する分類
50 classification process 選別処理
51 climatic classification 気候区分
52 Commodity Classification Codes used in Trade Statistics of the Ministry of Finance HS Codes 財務省貿易統計の商品分類コード HSコード
53 Cowardin wetland classification コワーディン湿地分類
54 EUNIS Habitats Classification EUNIS生息地分類
55 First Publication of the Results of the Chemicals Classification Program Based on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) 化学品の分類および表示に関する世界調和システム(GHS)危険有害性分類事業第1回目の公表について
56 Globally Harmonized System for classification and labeling of chemicals GHS 化学品の分類及び表示に関する世界システム GHS
57 Globally Harmonized System for labeling and classification GHS 化学品の分類および表示に関する世界調和システム
58 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals GHS 化学品の分類および表示に関する世界調和システム GHS
59 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals GHS 化学品の分類及び表示に関する世界調和システム
60 hydrogeomorphic classification 水文地形分類
61 industrial classification 産業分類
62 industries (Japan Standard Industrial Classification) 細分類(日本標準産業分類)
63 Industry Classification 産業分類
64 international classification of disease ICD 国際疾病コード
65 International Classification of Diseases 国際疾病分類
66 Japan Standard Industry Classification 日本標準産業分類
67 Japanese Industrial Standard Classification 日本標準産業分類
68 Japanese Unified Soil Classification 日本統一土質会類法
69 management classification 管理区分
70 MedWet Mediterranean wetland classification 地中海湿地フォーラム地中海湿地分類
71 Nordic classification system 北欧分類システム
72 particle size classification 粒度選別
73 particle size classification 粒度分別
74 position classification 職階制
75 Ramsar Classification System for Wetland Type ラムサール条約湿地分類法 ラムサール湿地分類法
76 Ramsar wetland classification system ラムサール条約湿地分類法
77 rock classification 岩盤分類
78 screen classification ふるい分け
79 sector classification 基本分類
80 soil texture classification 土壌の土性分類
81 Standard Industrial Classification for Japan 日本標準産業分類
82 standard statistical classification 標準統計分類
83 USA national wetland classification 米国湿地分類
84 vegetation classification 植生区分