 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 appeal 控訴する
2 appeal 上訴
3 appeal 不服申立て
4 acceptance of appeal to the court of the last resort 上告受理
5 administrative appeal 行政不服審査
6 administrative appeal 行政不服申立
7 administrative lawsuit (appeal) 行政事件訴訟(抗告訴訟)
8 appeal (for the immediate upper instance) 控訴
9 appeal (to the court of the last resort) 上告
10 appeal by permission 許可抗告
11 appeal document to the court of the last resort 上告状
12 appeal from/against a ruling 抗告
13 appeal panel 異議申立委員会
14 appeal to the Supreme Court (Vanuatu) 大法廷への提訴(バヌアツ)
15 decisions that are subject to appeal 異議申立の対象となる決定
16 demand for recovery of the right of appeal 上訴権回復の請求
17 extraordinary appeal to the court of the last resort 非常上告
18 filing of appeal to the court of the last resort 上告提起
19 immediate appeal from/against a ruling 即時抗告
20 incidental appeal (to the intermediate court) 附帯控訴
21 Keidanren Environment Appeal 経団連環境アピール
22 Labor Insurance Appeal Committee 労働保険審査会
23 lodge an appeal 抗告する
24 Minamata Disease appeal 水俣病抗告訴訟
25 no appeal may be entered 不服を申し立てることができない
26 petition for acceptance of appeal to the court of the last resort 上告受理の申立て
27 petition for appeal 控訴状
28 procedure on appeal 異議申立の手続
29 re-appeal from an appeal from a ruling 再抗告
30 reasons for appeal to the court of the last resort 上告理由
31 ruling on the appeal hearing 控訴審判決
32 special appeal against ruling to the Supreme Court 特別抗告
33 special appeal to the court of the last resort 特別上告
34 statement of reasons for appeal 控訴趣意書
35 statement of reasons for appeal (to the court of the last resort) 上告趣意書
36 statement of reasons for appeal to the court of the last resort 上告理由書