 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 amount 金額
2 a certain amount of porosity 一定量の気孔
3 additional amount for nursing care 介護加算額
4 aggregate amount of emissions by automobile traffic 自動車交通からの総排出量
5 amount accumulated in the body 体内蓄積量
6 amount borne by business 事業者が講じた額
7 amount by industry 業種別排出量
8 amount of capital 資本の額
9 amount of cloud 雲量
10 amount of combustion gas 燃焼ガス量
11 amount of contribution 寄与分
12 amount of domestic supply 国内供給量
13 amount of dumping 投棄量
14 amount of electricity consumed 電力の消費量
15 amount of electricity used per unit area 単位面積当たりの電気使用量
16 amount of energy used 投入エネルギー量
17 amount of estimated damage 被害見込金額
18 amount of evaporation 蒸発量
19 amount of exposure per person 個人曝露量
20 amount of fluorocarbons recovered from motor vehicle air-conditioners カーエアコンから回収されたフロン類の量
21 amount of food actually ingested 食物摂取量
22 amount of grant 助成金の額
23 amount of industrial water and effluent 用排水量
24 amount of irrigation water かんがい用水量
25 amount of lead discharged 鉛の放流量
26 amount of material produced 素材の生産量
27 amount of moisture 含水率
28 amount of net assets 純資産額
29 amount of nutrient 栄養塩の量、栄養塩類量
30 amount of precipitation 降水量
31 amount of precipitation 沈殿量
32 amount of rainfall 雨量
33 amount of rain-fall 降水量
34 amount of service provided サービスの提供量
35 amount of sewage treated 処理下水量
36 amount of sludge スラッジ量
37 amount of storm water 雨水量
38 amount of water absorption 吸水量
39 amount produced 生産量
40 assessment of the amount of funds needed for the implementation of the Convention for the sixth replenishment period of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund 地球環境ファシリティ(GEF)信託基金の第6次増資期間における条約実施に必要な資金額の評価
41 assigned amount 割当量
42 assigned amount unit AAU AAU
43 available amount for leaching 最大溶出可能量
44 basic daily (temporary) absence from work benefit amount 休業給付基礎日額
45 basic daily benefit amount 給付基礎日額
46 ceiling on the amount 上限の額
47 changes in the annual average of total ozone amount over Japan 日本上空のオゾン全量の年平均値の推移
48 Changes in the Number of Cases and Amount of Illegal Dumping 不法投棄件数及び投棄量の推移
49 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
50 cloud amount 雲量
51 consumption amount 使用量
52 corresponding amount 対当額
53 difference in tax rate and tax amount 税率・税額格差
54 discharge amount of waste 排出量
55 discharge amount standard of dust ばいじんの排出基準
56 emission amount 排出量
57 estimated interest of capital amount invested to fishery 漁業見積り資本利子
58 growing amount of trees 林木成長額
59 industry that consumes large amount of energy エネルギー多消費業種
60 intermediate process amount 中間処理量
61 Kodomo Happa Kanteishi activities which seek to raise awareness of primary and secondary school students by researching the amount of CO2 absorbed by trees こども葉っぱ鑑定士
62 large amount 多額
63 Letter of Confirmation of Approved Amount of Funding Form 10 助成金の額の確定通知書(様式第10)
64 lifecycle energy (amount of energy used by a product throughout its lifecycle) ライフサイクルエネルギー(製品の一生涯で使用するエネルギー量)
65 maximum amount 極度額
66 maximum amount 最高限度額
67 maximum amount of sanitary sewage per capita per day 一人一日最大汚水量
68 minimum amount 寡額
69 minimum amount reasonably required for laboratory-based biodiscovery research 研究室でのバイオディスカバリー研究のために合理的に必要とされる最低量
70 pollution loading amount 汚濁負荷量
71 public campaign for reducing the amount of wastes ごみ減量キャンペーン
72 purchase amount data 購買量データ
73 rate of damaged amount to normal yield 被害率
74 rate of damaged amount to standard yield 被害歩合
75 rate of injury amount to standard yield 損傷歩合
76 recycled and reused amount 循環利用量
77 replenishing amount 充填量
78 report on Japan's assigned amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission 京都議定書に準拠した日本国の割当量に関する報告書
79 residue amount after intermediate treatment 処理残滓量
80 reused amount 直接再生利用量
81 settled amount 決算額
82 Study Group for Measures to Reduce the Total Amount of Automobile NOx 自動車NOx総量削減方策検討会
83 theoretical amount of air 理論空気量
84 theoretical amount of gas 理論ガス量
85 total amount 合計額
86 total amount 総額
87 total amount 総量
88 total amount granted 助成総額
89 total amount of solid waste generation ごみ総排出量
90 total amount of waste ごみの総排出量
91 total amount requested 要望総額
92 total recovered amount 回収総量
93 total sales amount 売上総額
94 tradable permitted amount of GHG emissions GHG排出許可量
95 usual disaster (such as damages would ordinarily arise, less than a certain insured amount)/unusual disaster (damages more than a certain insured amount) 通常災害・異常災害