 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 adverse 不利益な
2 adverse change マイナスの変化
3 adverse condition 悪条件
4 adverse drug reaction ADR 副作用
5 adverse effect of climate change 気候変動の悪影響
6 adverse effects data 副作用データ
7 adverse event listings (each patient) 患者ごとの有害事象一覧表
8 adverse factor 有害因子
9 adverse impact 悪影響
10 analysis and discussion of deaths, other serious adverse events and other significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他の重要な有害事象の分析及び考察
11 analysis of adverse events 有害事象の分析
12 Basic Policy for Preventing Adverse Effects on Ecosystems Caused by Invasive Alien Species 特定外来生物被害防止基本方針
13 brief summary of adverse events 有害事象の簡潔な要約
14 CRFs for deaths, other serious adverse events and withdrawals for AE 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象発現例及び有害事象による投与中止例の症例記録
15 deaths, other serious adverse events, and other significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他の重要な有害事象
16 discontinuation due to adverse events 有害事象による治験の中止
17 display of adverse events 有害事象の表示
18 displays of adverse events 有害事象の表示
19 impact assessment and minimizing adverse impacts 影響の評価及び悪影響の最小化
20 investigation of the current situation with regard to possible adverse effects on wildlife 野生動物への影響実態調査
21 listing of adverse events by patient 患者別有害事象一覧表
22 listing of deaths, other serious adverse events and other significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他の重要な有害事象の一覧表
23 listings of deaths, other serious and significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他の重要な有害事象の一覧表
24 lowest observable adverse effect level LOAEL 最小作用量
25 lowest-observed-adverse-effect level LOAEL 影響最小量
26 lowest-observed-adverse-effect level 影響最少量
27 narratives of deaths, other serious adverse events and certain other significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他のいくつかの重要な有害事象の叙述
28 narratives of deaths, other serious and certain other significant adverse events 死亡、その他の重篤な有害事象及び他の特に重要な有害事象の叙述
29 New Drug Application Periodic adverse Drug Experience Reports NDA PADER 新薬承認申請定期副作用報告
30 no observable adverse effect level 無毒性量
31 no observable adverse effect level NOAEL 無作用量
32 No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level 無影響量
33 ocular adverse events 眼有害事象
34 other serious adverse events その他の重篤な有害事象
35 other significant adverse events 他の重要な有害事象
36 serious adverse drug reaction SADR 重篤な副作用
37 serious adverse event SAE 重篤な有害事象
38 unanticipated adverse event 予測外の有害事象
39 unexpected adverse drug reaction 予測できない副作用