 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 appeals to be lodged with Minister 大臣に提出する異議申立
2 Award of Minister of International Trade and Industry for the Excellent Factory in Implementation of Industrial Standardization 工業標準化実施優良工場通産産業大臣表彰
3 Chief Minister(Northern Territory) 首席大臣(北部準州)
4 Chief Minister's Department 州首相府
5 competent minister 主務大臣
6 deputy minister(Canada) 次官(カナダ)
7 For the attention of Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare 厚生労働大臣殿
8 H.E. Ms.Wangari Maathai, Kenyan Deputy Environment Minister ワンガリ・マータイ ケニア環境副大臣
9 instruction from the Prime Minister 総理大臣指示
10 minister 公使
11 Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry's Prize 経済産業大臣賞
12 Minister of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China 中国国家質量監督検験検疫総局局長
13 Minister of the Environment Award (General Category) 環境大臣賞(一般の部)
14 Minister of the Environment Prize 環境大臣賞
15 Minister of the Environment's 2006 Commendation for Global Warming Prevention Activity 平成18年度地球温暖化防止活動環境大臣表彰
16 minister responsible for the environment 環境担当大臣
17 Minister's opinions 大臣意見
18 Minister's Secretariat 大臣官房
19 Minister's supervisory powers 大臣の監督権限
20 MOP5 President: Kano, Japan's Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries MOP5議長:鹿野農林水産大臣
21 opinion of the Minister of the Environment 環境大臣意見
22 opinions of the Minister of the Environment on the draft environmental impact statement for the replacement of the Sendai Thermal Power Station 仙台火力発電所リプレース計画に係る環境影響評価準備書に対する環境大臣意見
23 opinions of the Minister of the Environment on the environmental impact statement concerning the Draft New Basic Plan for the Development of Mutsu-Ogawara Area 新むつ小川原開発基本計画素案に係る環境影響評価書に対する環境大臣意見
24 Ordinance of Prime Minister's Office 総理府令
25 Ordinance of the Prime Minister's Office on Effluent Standards 排水基準を定める総理府令
26 Ordinance of the Prime Minister's Office on Standards for Verification concerning Industrial Wastes containing Metals, etc. 金属等を含む産業廃棄物に係る判定基準を定める総理府令
27 Prime Minister's Office 総理府(日本)
28 Prime Minister's statement 内閣総理大臣談話
29 relevant minister 関係各大臣
30 Senior Vice Minister 副大臣
31 Senior Vice Minister of the Environment 環境副大臣
32 special envoy of the Prime Minister 総理大臣特使
33 Stores Awarded Minister's Prizes 大臣賞等表彰店舗
34 Vice Minister 環境事務次官
35 Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs 地球環境審議官
36 Wagaya-no-Kankyodaijin (the Environmental Minister in my home) ecominister 我が家の環境大臣