 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 Global Avian Influenza Network for Wild Bird Surveillance GAINS 野鳥サーベイランスのための世界鳥インフルエンザネットワーク
2 Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations 景品表示法
3 Act of 13 March 1981 No. 6 relating to protection against pollution and to waste (Norway) Pollution Control Act 汚染防止及び廃棄物に冠する1981年3月31日付法律第6号(ノルウェー) 汚染防止法
4 Act of 17 June 1966 No. 19 relating to a prohibition against fishing, etc., by foreign nationals in Norway’s territorial waters ノルウェー領海内における外国人による漁業等の禁止に関する1966年6月17日付法律第19号
5 Act on Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策特別措置法
6 against this background 以上より、以上に鑑み、こうした経緯から、こうした背景から
7 Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution ライン河汚染防止国際委員会に関する取り決め
8 appeal from/against a ruling 抗告
9 assert against 対抗する
10 assessment against validation or verification criteria 妥当性確認又は検証の基準に照らした評価
11 Basic Guidelines of Japan for the Promotion of Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン対策推進基本指針
12 Basic Policy for Measures against Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音対策基本方針
13 be capable of consistent evaluation or measurement against suitable criteria 適切な基準に照らして一貫した評価又は測定を行えるものである
14 Campaign against Abandonment of Pet Animals ペット・外来生物遺棄防止キャンペーン
15 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
16 Conference for Promoting Countermeasures against Mercury Contamination 水銀汚染対策推進会議
17 Convention concerning Protection against Hazard of Poisoning Arising from Benzene ベンジン中毒の危険防止条約
18 Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionizing Radiation イオン化放射線に対する労働者保護条約
19 Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration 空気汚染、騒音及び振動に起因する作業環境における職業性の危害からの労働者の保護に関する条約 ILO・空気汚染・騒音・振動規制条約
20 Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration "作業環境における大気汚染,騒音,振動などの危険から労働者を保護する条約"
21 Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution 汚染に対する地中海の保護に関する条約 地中海汚染防止条約
22 Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution 地中海汚染防止条約
23 Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution ライン川化学汚染防止条約
24 Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorides ライン川塩化物汚染防止条約
25 Convention on the Protection of the Rhine Against Chemical Pollution 化学物質によるライン河汚染防止協定
26 Convention on the Protection of Workers Against Ionising Radiation 電離放射線保護条約
27 countermeasures against Shinkansen Superexpress Railway noise above 75dB(phon) 新幹線鉄道騒音の75デシベル(ホン)対策
28 Crimes against humanity 人道に対する犯罪
29 Enforcement Regulation of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行規則
30 enforcement status of the Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法施行状況
31 General Plan for Countermeasures against Shinkansen Railway Noise 新幹線鉄道対策要鋼
32 guarantee against defects 瑕疵担保
33 Guidelines for Countermeasures against Misconduct in Research Activities by Competitive Research Fund 競争的資金等に係る研究活動における不正行為への対応指針
34 Guidelines for the Countermeasures against Oil Contamination - Landowner’s Response Policy Concerning Oil Slick and Odor Problems from Mineral Oil Contaminated Soil 油汚染対策ガイドライン−鉱油類を含む土壌に起因する油臭・油膜問題への土地所有者等による対応の考え方-
35 Guidelines for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活雑排水対策推進指導指針
36 Headquarter for Measures against Radiation 放射能対策本部
37 if inflicted or undertaken against species 種に対する作為又は行為に対しては
38 immediate appeal from/against a ruling 即時抗告
39 Law against Unfair Competition UWG 不正競争防止法(ドイツ) UWG
40 Law concerning Special Measures against Dioxins Dioxins Law ダイオキシン類対策特別措置法 ダイオキシン法
41 Law relating to Special Arrangements for Countermeasures against Aircraft Noise around Specified Airports 特定空港周辺航空機騒音対策特別措置法
42 lawsuit against night take-off and landing 夜間の発着禁止を求める訴訟
43 measure against eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, and sea areas 湖沼及び海域の富栄養化対策
44 measure against soil contamination 土壌汚染対策
45 measures against domestic effluents 生活排水対策
46 measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 違法・無報告・無規制漁業に対する措置
47 period of guarantee against defects 瑕疵担保期間
48 President's Initiative Against Illegal Logging (米国の)違法伐採に対する大統領イニシアチブ
49 Procedure on Emergency Measures against Photochemical Oxidants 光化学オキシダント緊急時対策要綱
50 Program for the Promotion of Measures against Household Effluents 生活排水対策推進計画
51 Program to Support Initiatives Introducing Measures against Climate Change in the Public Service Sector 公共・公益サービス部門率先対策補助事業
52 prohibition against activities that may undermine management measures 管理措置を損なうおそれのある活動の禁止
53 prohibition against dangerous handling and disposal of wastes 廃棄物の危険な処理・処分の禁止
54 Promotion of Measures against Hydrocarbons for the Prevention of Photochemical Air Pollution 光化学大気汚染防止のための炭化水素類対策の推進について
55 property obtained through a crime against property 贓物
56 Protocol Concerning Constitution of an International Commission for the Protection of the Mosel against Pollution モーゼル川汚染防止国際委員会の設立に関する議定書
57 Protocol for the Protection of Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-Based Sources 陸上起因汚染からの地中海の保護に関する議定書 地中海陸上起因汚染防止議定書
58 Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Source 陸上起源の汚染から地中海を保護するための議定書
59 requirement to assert against third parties 対抗要件
60 rule against perpetuities 永久拘束禁止則
61 special appeal against ruling to the Supreme Court 特別抗告
62 use physical violence (against … ) 暴行する
63 warranty against defects 瑕疵担保責任