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1 grain
2 Act Concerning Special Measures for Total Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter from Automobiles in Specified Areas Automobile NOx/PM Act 自動車から排出される窒素酸化物及び粒子状物質の特定地域における総量の削減等に関する特別措置法 自動車NOx・PM法
3 aerodynamic particle diameter 空気力学的粒子径
4 aggregate of soil 土壌の団粒
5 aggregate structure 団粒化(団粒化構造)
6 air suspended particulate 空中浮遊微粒子
7 airborne particle 大気汚染粒子
8 airborne particulate matter 大気中粒子状物質
9 Aitken particle エイトケン粒子
10 annual average SPM concentration 浮遊粒子状物質濃度の年平均値
11 atomization of liquid 液体の微粒化
12 automatic monitor for atmospheric particulate matter 浮遊粒子状物質自動測定器
13 calibration particle 校正用粒子〔浮遊粒子状物質の〕
14 carbon particles カーボン粒子
15 Changes in the Attainment of the EQS for Suspended Particulate Matter 浮遊粒子状物質の環境基準達成状況の推移
16 character of rice grain 米粒の形質
17 cloud droplet 雲粒
18 cloud particle 雲粒
19 coarse grained sand 粗粒砂
20 coarse grained soil 粗粒土
21 coarse particle 粗大粒子
22 coarse-grained gneiss 粗粒片麻岩
23 concentration of particulate loading 微粒子濃度
24 condition of starch accumulation in grain observed from a viewpoint of their external characters (length, width, thickness, etc.) 粒肥大の良否
25 condition of starch accumulation in grains observed from a viewpoint of their internal characters (density and quality of starch accumulation, etc.) 粒充実の良否
26 controls on particulate matter 粒子状物質規制
27 critical cut size 分離限界粒子径
28 critical particle diameter 分離限界粒子径
29 diameter 粒径
30 diesel exhaust particles DEP ディーゼル排気粒子 DEP
31 diesel particle filter DPF ディーゼル微粒子除去装置 DPF
32 diesel particulate filter DPF ディーゼル排気微粒子除去フィルター DPF
33 diesel particulate filter DPF ディーゼル微粒子除去装置 DPF
34 dust 粒子〔1〜76μm〕
35 dust particle 固体粒子状物質
36 dust particle ばいじん粒子
37 dust separator 固体粒子分離機
38 dust size ばいじんの粒径
39 elementary particle 素粒子
40 environmental quality standard for long-term assessment of suspended particulate matter 長期的評価に基づく浮遊粒子状物質に係る環境基準
41 fact-finding survey of particulate matter 粒子状物質実態調査
42 fine grained sand 細粒砂
43 fine grained soil 細粒土
44 fine mineral soil 鉱質の細粒土壌
45 fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) PM2.5 微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)
46 fine-grained mineral deposit of calcite, aragonite 方解石やアラゴナイトの細粒鉱物が堆積したもの
47 fineness modulus 粗粒率
48 fluorescence particles 蛍光粒子
49 fume 粒子(1μm以下)
50 giant particle 巨大粒子
51 grade of grain 粒度
52 grading 粒度
53 grading analysis 粒度分析
54 grading curve 粒度曲線
55 grain diameter 粒径
56 grain size 結晶粒度
57 grain size 粒径
58 grain size 粒度
59 grain size distribution 粒径分布
60 granular 顆粒状
61 granular activated carbon 粒状活性炭
62 granular bed filter 粒状層濾過
63 granular composition 粒状組成
64 granular fertilizers 粒状化たい肥
65 granular-carbon filter 粒状活性炭ろ過
66 Granulated MO-9 MO粒剤−九
67 granulation 粒状化
68 granulator 造粒機
69 granule 小粒
70 granule-making equipment 造粒機
71 granulocytopenia 顆粒球減少症
72 grit 粗粒子
73 grit 大粒子
74 grit 粒子〔76μm以上〕
75 gross particulate 粗大粒子
76 homogeneous dispersive particle 均一系単分散粒子〔浮遊粒子状物質の〕
77 inhaled particles 吸入粒子
78 intercrystalline crack 粒間割れ
79 intergranular corrosion 粒間腐食
80 intergranular crack 粒間割れ
81 Investigative Committee for Assessing the Risk of Diesel Exhaust Particles ディーゼル排気微粒子リスク評価検討会
82 large particle 大粒子
83 laser diffraction particle size analyzer レーザ回折式粒度分布測定装置
84 manufactured nanoscale particle 人工ナノ粒子
85 mass concentration 質量濃度〔浮遊粒子状物質の〕
86 mean particle diameter 平均粒径
87 mechanical analysis of soil 粒度試験
88 number of brown rice grain per unit area 玄米粒数
89 number of fully (perfectly) ripened wheat (barley) grains per unit area 上麦粒数
90 number of fully ripened wheat (barley) grains per effective panicle 1穂当たり上麦粒数
91 number of gross brown rice grains per unit area 粗玄米粒数
92 number of perfectly ripened grains 上粒数
93 number of ripened grains per effective pod 有効1さや当たり粒数
94 number of ripened rachillas (grains) per panicle 1穂当たり稔実小穂 (粒)数
95 number of screenings per unit area くず粒数
96 number rate of brown rice grains to total gross brown rice grains 玄米粒数歩合
97 number rate of every grade rice grains screened through a sieve to total rice grains 段別粒数歩合
98 number rate of fully ripened wheat (barley) grains to total whole wheat (barley) grains 上麦粒数歩合
99 number rate of gross brown rice grains to total paddies 粗玄米粒数歩合
100 number rate of ripened rachillas (grains) to total rachillas (grains) 稔実小穂(粒)数歩合