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英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 fishery 漁業
2 Act of 17 June 1966 No. 19 relating to a prohibition against fishing, etc., by foreign nationals in Norway’s territorial waters ノルウェー領海内における外国人による漁業等の禁止に関する1966年6月17日付法律第19号
3 Act of 26 March 1999 No. 15 relating to the right to participate in fishing and hunting 漁業及び狩猟への参加権に関する1999年3月26日付法律第15号
4 Agreement for the Establishment of a General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean 地中海漁業評議会設立取決め
5 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Finance Corporation 農林漁業金融公庫
6 angling fishery 釣漁業
7 boat seine fishery 船びき網漁業
8 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BFAR 漁業水産資源局
9 catch〔inland water fishery〕 漁獲量〔内水面漁業〕
10 catch〔marine fishery〕 漁獲量〔海面漁業〕
11 classification of fisheries〔marine fishery〕 漁業分類〔海面漁業〕
12 classification of fishery establishment by full-time and part-time 漁業の専兼業分類
13 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
14 classification of marine fishery fishing units by tonnage of fishing vessel 海面漁業漁労体規模分類
15 classification of species〔inland water fishery〕 魚種分類〔内水面漁業〕
16 classification of species〔marine fishery〕 魚種分類〔海面漁業〕
17 coastal fisheries 沿岸漁業
18 Coastal Fisheries Promotion Law 沿岸漁業等振興法
19 coastal fishery 沿岸漁業
20 coastal fishing 沿岸漁業
21 coastal fishing community 沿岸漁業社会
22 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries 責任ある漁業のための行動規範
23 community based fisheries management 資源管理型漁業
24 comprehensive project to promote fishery oriented for proper resources management 資源管理型漁業推進総合対策事業
25 Convention concerning Fishing in the Black Sea 黒海漁業条約
26 Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Driftnets in the South Pacific 南太平洋において長距離流し網を用いる漁業を禁止する条約 南太平洋流し網漁業禁止条約
27 Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and Belts バルト海生物資源の漁業及び保全に関する条約
28 Convention on the Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas 公海の生物資源の漁業及び保全に関する条約
29 cost of fishery management 漁業経営費
30 danish seining 底曳網漁業
31 deep-sea fishing 遠洋漁業
32 Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (Queensland) DPIF 第一次産業漁業省(クイーンズランド)
33 dependency on fishery 漁業依存度
34 development of fishing community effluent treatment facility 漁業集落排水施設整備
35 distant water fishery 遠洋漁業
36 distant-water fisheries 遠洋漁業
37 dragnet fishery 地びき網漁業
38 ecosystem conservation-type fishery 生態系保全型漁業
39 estimated interest of capital amount invested to fishery 漁業見積り資本利子
40 exclusive fishery zone 漁業専管水域
41 far seas fisheries 遠洋漁業
42 farming fisheries 栽培漁業
43 farming fishery 栽培漁業
44 fish stock 漁業資源
45 fisheries 漁業資源、漁業、漁場
46 fisheries coordination regulation 漁業調整規則
47 Fisheries Law 漁業法
48 fisheries management organization 漁業管理組織
49 fisherman 漁業者
50 fishery community 漁業集落
51 fishery district 漁業地区
52 fishery earnings 漁業所得
53 fishery earnings excluding taxes 税引漁業所得
54 fishery establishment 漁業経営体
55 fishery expenditure 漁業支出
56 fishery fixed assets per person engaged in fishery 漁業固定資本装備率
57 fishery household 漁業世帯
58 fishery household members 漁業世帯員
59 fishery income 漁業収入
60 fishery income produced 漁業生産所得
61 fishery operator 漁業者
62 fishery oriented for proper resources management   資源管理型漁業
63 fishery production 漁業生産
64 fishery production activity 漁業生産活動
65 fishery production cost 漁業生産費用
66 fishery production value 漁業生産額
67 fishery profit 漁業利益
68 fishery right 漁業権
69 fishery strata 漁業層
70 fishery worker 漁業従事者
71 fishery worker living on the coastal area and engaged in fishery 漁業就業者
72 fishery worker's household 漁業従事者世帯
73 fishing community effluent treatment facility 漁業集落排水施設
74 fishing right 漁業権
75 fixed net fishery 定置網漁業
76 gill net fishery 刺網漁業
77 high sea fishery 遠洋漁業
78 illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 違法・無報告・無規制漁業
79 inheritor of fishery household 漁業後継者
80 inland water fishery 内水面漁業
81 inland water fishery establishment 内水面漁業経営体
82 International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean 北太平洋公海漁業条約
83 International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries 北西大西洋漁業条約
84 invested capital for fishery 漁業投下資本額
85 large scale fishery company 大規模漁業会社
86 lift net fishery 敷網漁業
87 long line fishery はえ縄漁業
88 longlining 延縄漁業
89 managed fishery 管理漁業
90 marine fishery 海面漁業
91 marine fishery establishment 海面漁業経営体
92 marine ranching and stock enhancement つくり育てる漁業
93 measures against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing 違法・無報告・無規制漁業に対する措置
94 medium scale fishery establishment 中小漁業経営体
95 net earnings from fishery 漁業純収益
96 no take species ("in possession limits of zero") under the Fisheries Act 1994 1994年漁業法に基づく捕獲禁止種(所有可能数ゼロ)
97 non-fishery business earnings 漁業外事業所得
98 non-fishery business expenditure 漁業外事業支出
99 non-fishery income 漁業外事業収入
100 Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention 北東大西洋漁業条約