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Chief Executive [18件マッチ]
  1. Chief Executive    行政長官
  2. chief executive    最高経営責任者
  3. chief executive    社長
  4. chief executive    CEO
  5. chief executive office    主席業務執行室
  6. chief executive officer    最高経営責任者
  7. chief executive officer    CEO
  8. chief executive officer (CEO)    最高経営責任者
  9. CEO (chief executive officer)    最高経営責任者
  10. chairman and chief executive    会長兼最高経営責任者
  11. Chief Executive’s statement    筆頭執行取締役の挨拶
  12. Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive    副会長兼筆頭執行取締役
  13. effective chief executive    現役のCEO
  14. interim chief executive    暫定的なCEO
  15. soon-to-retire chief executive    まもなく引退する経営者
  16. to put outsiders into chief executive roles    社外からCEOを迎える
  17. AA’s panoply of chief executives    AAの歴代のCEO
  18. chief executives in the history of visionary companies    ビジョナリー・カンパニーの歴代の経営者