 x  Q 🎲  ?  経済金融・証券会計訳語辞典
CIF [18件マッチ]
  1. CIF (cost insurance and freight)    CIF
  2. CIF (cost, insurance and freight)    CIF
  3. CIF (customer information file)    CIF
  4. cost insurance and freight    CIF
  5. customer information file    CIF
  6. CIF (corporate income fund)    会社収益型ファンド
  7. CIF (cost, insurance and freight)    運賃保険料込み値段
  8. CIF (cost, insurance and freight) price    原価・保険料及び運賃込み価格
  9. CIF price    保険料及び運賃込み値段
  10. CIF&C (cost, insurance, freight and commission)    運賃保険料手数料込み値段
  11. CIF&E (cost, insurance, freight and exchange)    運賃保険料為替費用込み値段
  12. CIF&I (cost, insurance, freight & interest)    運賃保険料利子込み値段
  13. Climate Investment Fund (CIF)    気候投資基金
  14. cost, insurance and freight (CIF)    原価・保険料・および運賃込み価格
  15. cost, insurance, freight and commission    CIF&C
  16. cost, insurance, freight and exchange    CIF&E
  17. cost, insurance, freight and interest    CIF&I
  18. the bills are to be XX days for full invoice value CIF    為替手形は、運賃保険料込みの送り状全額に対し、一覧後XX日払いだ