 x  Q 🎲  ?  経済金融・証券会計訳語辞典
Board of Supervisory Directors [11件マッチ]
  1. Board of Supervisory Directors    監事会
  2. A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit & Supervisory Board + Accounting Auditor” and which prepares consolidated financial statements    機関設計が「取締役会+監査役会+会計監査人」であり連結計算書類を作成する会社
  3. A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit & Supervisory Board Members” and whose audit scope by Audit & Supervisory Board Members is limited to matters related to accounting    機関設計が「取締役+監査役」であり、監査役の監査の範囲を会計に関するものに限定する会社
  4. A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit & Supervisory Board Members” and whose scope of audit by Audit & Supervisory Board Members is not limited to matters related to accounting    機関設計が「取締役会+監査役」であり、監査役の監査の範囲を会計に関するものに限定しない会社
  5. A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit and Supervisory Committee + Accounting Auditor” and which prepares consolidated financial statements    機関設計が「取締役会+監査等委員会+会計監査人」であり連結計算書類を作成する会社
  6. At the Xth Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on MM DD, YYYY, the Company changed the Articles of Incorporation and set provisions regarding liability limitation agreements for directors (excluding executive directors, etc.) and audit & supervisory board members.    当社は、X年X月X日開催の第X回定時株主総会で定款を変更し、取締役(業務執行取締役等を除く)及び監査役の責任限定契約に関する規定を設けております。
  7. Attended 80% of the meetings of the Board of Directors held during the fiscal year and 90% of the meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board meetings held during the fiscal year, and spoke as necessary at the Audit & Supervisory Board, mostly from an expert perspective as a Certified Public Accountant, about changes to the Company’s accounting system and revision of the Company’s audit standards.    当事業年度開催の取締役会のうち8割に、また、当事業年度開催の監査役会のうち9割に出席し、必要に応じ、主に公認会計士としての専門的見地から、監査役会の場において、当社の経理システムの変更・当社監査基準の改定についての発言を行っております。
  8. Attended all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board held during the fiscal year, and spoke as necessary regarding the establishment and maintenance of the Company’s compliance framework, mostly from an expert perspective as an attorney.    当事業年度開催の取締役会及び監査役会の全てに出席し、必要に応じ、主に弁護士としての専門的見地から、当社のコンプライアンス体制の構築・維持についての発言を行っております。
  9. The amount of the above-stated performance-linked remuneration includes XX yen of bonuses for directors (×× yen for directors, YY yen for audit & supervisory board members) scheduled to be resolved at the Xth annual general meeting of shareholders.    上記業績連動報酬等の額には、第X回定時株主総会において決議予定の役員賞与XX円(取締役××円、監査役YY円)を含めております。
  10. The Company has entered into a directors and officers liability insurance agreement with an insurance company under Article 430-3, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act for all the directors and audit & supervisory board members of the Company and of XX Corporation, which is the Company’s subsidiary, as the insured persons. This insurance agreement covers compensation for damages and litigation costs to be borne by the insured persons in the event of claims made against them for actions taken (or inaction) in their roles as an officer of the Company.    当社は当社及び当社子会社であるXX株式会社の取締役及び監査役の全員を被保険者とする会社法第430条の3第1項に規定する役員等賠償責任保険契約を保険会社との間で締結しております。当該保険契約では、被保険者が会社の役員等の地位に基づき行った行為(不作為を含みます。)に起因して損害賠償請求がなされたことにより、被保険者が被る損害賠償金や訴訟費用等が塡補されることとなります。
  11. The election of Mr AZ may be canceled by a resolution of the Board of Directors with the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board provided that such cancellation is made before the assumption of office.    AZ氏の選任の効力につきましては、就任前に限り、監査役会の同意を得て、取締役会の決議により、その選任を取り消すことができるものとさせていただきます。