Board of Audit of Japan [3件マッチ]
- Board of Audit of Japan G 経 会計検査院 G 経 証
- Japan’s Board of Audit G 経 会計検査院 G 経 経
- Note 1 The Company’s Audit & Supervisory Board has confirmed and examined XX based on the “Guidelines for Coordination with Accounting Auditors” published by the Japan Audit & Supervisory Board Members Association, and as a result, gave consent to the remuneration of the accounting auditors under Article 399, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act. G 経 当社監査役会は、日本監査役協会が公表する「会計監査人との連携に関する実務指針」を踏まえ、XXなどを確認し、検討した結果、会計監査人の報酬等につき、会社法第399条第1項の同意を行っております。 G 経 証