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Annual General Meeting [13件マッチ]
  1. Annual General Meeting    年次株主総会
  2. AGM (annual general meeting)    年次株主総会
  3. At the Xth Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on MM DD, YYYY, the Company changed the Articles of Incorporation and set provisions regarding liability limitation agreements for directors (excluding executive directors, etc.) and audit & supervisory board members.    当社は、X年X月X日開催の第X回定時株主総会で定款を変更し、取締役(業務執行取締役等を除く)及び監査役の責任限定契約に関する規定を設けております。
  4. I will exercise my voting rights for each proposal of the ○th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of ○○ Co., Ltd. to be held on MM DD, YYYY as indicated on the right (approval or disapproval indicated with circle).    私は、○年○月○日開催の○○株式会社第○回(期)定時株主総会に付議される各議案に対し、右記(賛否を○印で表示)のとおり議決権を行使します。
  6. Scheduled date of annual general meeting of shareholders   : 定時株主総会開催予定日
  7. The Accounting Auditor, ○○ Audit Corporation, will retire at the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.    会計監査人である○○監査法人は、本総会の終結の時をもって退任いたします。
  8. The amount of the above-stated performance-linked remuneration includes XX yen of bonuses for directors (×× yen for directors, YY yen for audit & supervisory board members) scheduled to be resolved at the Xth annual general meeting of shareholders.    上記業績連動報酬等の額には、第X回定時株主総会において決議予定の役員賞与XX円(取締役××円、監査役YY円)を含めております。
  9. The Company proposed matters regarding a dividend on ordinary shares as a proposal at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on MM DD, YYYY, as follows.    〇年○月○日開催の定時株主総会の議案として、普通株式の配当に関する事項を次のとおり提案しております。
  10. The terms of office of ○ Audit & Supervisory Board Members will expire at the conclusion of this year’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Accordingly, the Company proposes the election of ○ Audit & Supervisory Board Members.    本総会終結の時をもって監査役全員が任期満了となりますので、監査役○名の選任をお願いするものであります。
  11. The terms of office of ○ Directors will expire at the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Accordingly, the Company proposes the election of ○ Directors.    本総会終結の時をもって取締役○名が任期満了となりますので、取締役○名の選任をお願いするものであります。
  12. You are cordially invited to attend the ○th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of ○○○○ Co., Ltd. (the “Company”). The meeting will be held for the purposes described    さて、当社第○回定時株主総会を下記により開催いたしますので、ご出席くださいますようご通知申しあげます。
  13. YY Annual General Meeting    YY年度の年次株主総会