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3か月移動平均 [11件マッチ]
  1. hree-month moving average    3か月移動平均
  2. three-month moving average    3か月移動平均
  3. in trend terms using a three-month moving average    3か月移動平均でみたトレンドで
  4. rate of trend YoY decline using a three-month moving average    3か月移動平均でみた前年同月比下落率
  5. in terms of three-month moving average    3か月移動平均でみて
  6. to use a three-month moving average    3か月移動平均でみる
  7. on a 3mma basis    3か月移動平均でみると
  8. three month average bookings    3か月移動平均の受注
  9. three month average billings    3か月移動平均の出荷
  10. in terms of the trend growth rate of the NSA ratio    季節調整前の3か月移動平均ベースで
  11. three-month average of new-home sales    新築住宅販売戸数の3か月移動平均