 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 preservation 保全
2 preservation 保存
3 Act concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Historic Natural Features and Improvement of the Life Environment in Asuka Village 明日香村における歴史的風土の保存及び生活環境の整備等に関する特別措置法
4 act of preservation 保存行為
5 action for preservation of possession 占有保全の訴え
6 bill for making partial amendment to the Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全特別措置法の一部を改正する法律案
7 Consulting Group for the Preservation of Sound Scenery in Japan 全国音風景保全連絡協議会
8 Convention for the Preservation of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft Oslo Convention 船舶及び航空機からの投棄による海洋汚染の防止に関する条約 オスロ条約
9 Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere 西半球の自然保護及び野生生物保存に関する条約
10 Convention on the Preservation of Pollution from Ships 船舶による汚染防止条約
11 Convention relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State 自然状態の動植物相保存条約
12 designation of water area types of rivers under the Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution for the Preservation of Aquatic Life 水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定
13 Enforcement Regulation of the Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全特別措置法施行規則
14 Engineering for Regional Environmental Preservation 地域環境保全技術
15 environmental preservation 環境保全
16 environmental preservation fee 環境保全協力金
17 environmental preservation industry 公害防止産業
18 Environmental Preservation Section (Naha-shi city) 環境保全課(那覇市)
19 Environmental Quality Standards Related to the Preservation of the Living Environment 生活環境の保全に関する環境基準
20 gene resource preservation forest 森林生物遺伝資源保存林
21 habitat preservation 生息地保全
22 Historic Landscape Preservation District 歴史的風土保全区域
23 Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings in Japan 重要伝統的建造物群保存地区
24 International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ICCROM 国際文化財保存修復センター ローマセンター
25 International Council for Bird Preservation ICBP 国際鳥類保護会議
26 Japanese Association for Preservation of Birds 日本鳥獣保護連盟
27 Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds (財)日本鳥類保護連盟
28 Law Concerning Conservation of Trees for Preservation of Scenic Beauty of Cities 都市の美観風致を維持するための樹木の保存に関する法律
29 Law concerning Preservation of City Areas, City Development and Conservation Areas in Chubu Region 中部圏の都市整備区域都市開発区域及び保全区域の整備等に関する法律
30 Law concerning Preservation of Trees for Conservation of Scenic Beauty of Cities 都市の美観風致を維持するための樹木の保存に関する法律
31 Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of Lake Water Quality Clean Lakes Law 湖沼水質保全特別措置法 湖沼法
32 Law concerning Special Measures for the Preservation of the Historical Features of Ancient Cities 古都における歴史的風土の保存に関する特別措置法
33 Law concerning the Preservation and Management of Marine Biological Resources 海洋生物資源の保存及び管理に関する法律
34 Law on Preservation of Fauna and Flora in the Antarctic Region 南極地域の動物相及び植物相の保存に関する法律
35 marine park preservation zone (Queensland) 海洋公園保護区(クイーンズランド)
36 Measures for Environmental Preservation to Deal with the Urgent Problem of Shinkansen Railway Vibration 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策
37 National Important Traditional Architectures Preservation Area 重要伝統的建造物群保護地域
38 Natural Environment Preservation Corporation 自然環境保全法人
39 Old Capital Preservation Law 古都保存法
40 Oze Preservation Foundation 尾瀬保護財団
41 permanent preservation of national trust properties 保有資産の永久保存の保証
42 preferred effluent control measures for the preservation of aquatic life 水生生物の保全に係る排出規制等の在り方について
43 preservation and renewal of historic environment 歴史的環境の保存と再生
44 preservation area of the forest ecosystem protection area 森林生態系保護地域の保存地区
45 preservation of evidence 証拠保全
46 preservation of the global environment 地球環境の保全
47 Preservation of the Natural Environment and Promotion of Outdoor Activities 自然環境の保全と自然とのふれあいの推進
48 preservation planning 保護計画
49 project for preservation of raw water quality used in city water systems 水道原水水質保全事業
50 protection and preservation of the marine environment 海洋環境の保護及び保全
51 Special Historic Landscape Preservation Area 歴史的風土特別保存地区
52 Special Measures Law for the Preservation of Historic Landscape in Ancient Capitals 古都における歴史的風土の保存に関する特別措置法
53 suburban green zone preservation area 近郊緑地保全区域
54 Suntory Fund for Bird Preservation 公益信託サントリー世界愛鳥基金
55 survey for the preservation of groups of traditional buildings 伝統的建造物群保存対策調査
56 Traditional Architectures Preservation District 伝統的建造物群保存地区
57 wilderness preservation 原生自然保護
58 wildlife preservation 鳥獣保護