× Q  ?  環境訳語辞典
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 Corporation for Advanced Transport and Technology CATT 運輸施設整備事業団
2 adult breed cattle 成牛
3 artifact scatter 散乱している遺物
4 artifact scatter 遺物散乱場所
5 beef cattle 肉用牛
6 beef cattle 肉用種
7 cattle dealer 家畜商
8 classification by management types of beef cattle 肉用牛経営タイプの分類
9 dairy breed cattle 乳牛
10 dairy cattle 乳用牛
11 dairy cattle for beef 乳用種
12 equivalent to the number of BSE infected cattle BSE牛頭当量
13 fattening cattle 肥育用牛
14 Japanese beef cattle 和牛
15 light-scattering dust monitor 光散乱式粉じん計
16 light-scattering method 光散乱法
17 Mie scattering ミー散乱
18 other cattle (foreign beef cattle and crossbreed between domestic and foreign beef cattle) その他の牛
19 rate of decreased number of cattle in a yea/rate of survived number of cattle in a year 減耗率・残存率
20 scatter diagram 散布図
21 scattered cultivation 散在栽培
22 scattering 散乱
23 scattering 飛散
24 scattering coefficient 散乱係数