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UV light   UV-B   UV-B radiation   UV計   UWG   Ubiquitous Networked Society   Udvardy's biogeographical provinces   Udvardyの生物地理区分   Ugandan national wetland inventory   Ulanbaatar   Ultimate Goal of the Kyoto Protocol   Ultra Super Critical technology   Ultrasonic aspiration technique   Uniformity/ Stability/ Identifiability   Union for Ethical Biotrade   Union of Concerned Scientists   Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers   Unique Activities   United Cities and Local Governments   United Nations   United Nations Angola Verification Mission   United Nations Angola Verification Mission 2   United Nations Angola Verification Mission 3   United Nations Assistance mission for Rwanda   United Nations Centre for Human Settlement   United Nations Centre for Regional Development   United Nations Charter   United Nations Children' s Fund   United Nations Children's Fund   United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development   United Nations Committee for Development Policy   United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods   United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space   United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the Ocean Floor beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction   United Nations Conference on Desertification   United Nations Conference on Environment and Development   United Nations Conference on Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space   United Nations Conference on Human Environment   United Nations Conference on Human Settlement   United Nations Conference on Trade and Development   United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia   United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea   United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks   United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification Particularly in Africa   United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; UNCCD   United Nations Correspondents Association   United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development   United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020   United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development   United Nations Department of Economic Social Affairs   United Nations Development Assistance Framework   United Nations Development Decade   United Nations Development Fund for Women   United Nations Development Group   United Nations Development Programme   United Nations Disarmament Commission   United Nations Disaster Relief Organization   United Nations Disengagement Observer Force   United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific   United Nations Economic and Social Council   United Nations Emergency Forces   United Nations Environment Programme   United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization   United Nations Forces   United Nations Forum on Forests   United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change   United Nations Fund for Populations Activities   United Nations General Assembly   United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity   United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees   United Nations Human Settlements Programme   United Nations Industrial Development Organization   United Nations Information Center   United Nations Information Centre   United Nations Institute for Training and Research   United Nations Intergovernmental System of Information in Science and Technology   United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon   United Nations International Drug Control Programme   United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development   United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group   United Nations Law of the Sea Conference   United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan   United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara   United Nations Mission in Haiti   United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan   United Nations Observation Mission for the Verification of Elections in Nicaragua   United Nations Observer Group in Central America   United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador   United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia   United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia   United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus   United Nations Population Fund   United Nations Preventive Deployment Force   United Nations Protection Force   United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration   United Nations Relief and Works Agency   United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the New East   United Nations Research Institute for Social Development   United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation   United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon   United Nations Security Council   United Nations Security Force   United Nations Special Fund   United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office   United Nations System   United Nations System Influenza Coordinator   United Nations Trade and Development Board   United Nations Transition Assistance Group   United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia   United Nations Truce Supervision Organization   United Nations Trusteeship Council   United Nations University   United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies   United Nations Volunteer Programme   United Nations Volunteers   United Nations Water Conference   United Nations Water Resources Development Centre   United Nations headquarters in New York   United States Antarctic Program   United States Department of State   United States Fish and Wildlife Service national wetland inventory   United States Forest Service   United States-Japan Conference on Development and Utilization of Natural Resources   United States/Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources   United nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission   Universal Declaration of Human Rights   Universal Postal Union   Universal Traffic Management System   Universal Transverse Mercator   University of Colorado Denver   University of Southampton   University of The Air   University of Wisconsin-Madison   University of Wyoming   Unzen area   Urban Biodiversity and Design   Urban Biodiversity in the Ecological Network   Urban Biosphere and Society   Urban Biosphere reserves   Urban Foothill Green Belt Development Program   Urban Forest Inventory   Urban Forest Project Protocol   Urban Green Fund   Urban Green Space Conservation Law   Urban Greening Promotion Campaign in spring   Urban Greening Promotion Movement   Urban Renaissance Headquarters   Urban Renaissance Headquarters of Cabinet Secretariat   Urban Renewal Law   Urotrichus talpoides   Ursus arctos   Use of Recycled Paper for School Textbooks   Use of Terms   Used Vehicles Recycling Initiative   Users of Third Party Certification Program for Carbon Offsetting   Utilization of Recycled Water Model Project   Uvaean Parakeet   U型排水溝   U字管圧力計   U形排水溝   V   VCM   VER   VHF radio   VICS   VLBI   VLC   VLFC; Mega Float   VLO   VMP   VMT   VOC   VOC treatment technology   VOC's emission regulation   VOC-emitting facility   VOCS分析研修   VOCs   VOCs Analysis Studies   VOCの排出施設   VOCの排出濃度規制   VOC処理技術   VPA   VPC   VSS   VU   Vaccinium oxycoccus   Val   Valdez Principles   Valencia   Valley of 1000 Hills Declaration   Van der Waals force   Vanellus vanellus   Variable Plot Sampling   Varpalota Region Environmental Improvement Plan   Vauclusian rising   Vd   Vegetation Management Act 1999   Vegetation Survey of the 4th National Survey on the Natural Environment   Vehicle CO2 Emissions   Vehicle Information and Communications System   Vehicle Miles Traveled   Vehicle Restriction Ordinance   Verification of Legal Compliance   Verification of Legal Origin   Verified Emission Reduction   Vernacular Built Heritage Charter   Very Long Baseline Interferometry   Very Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook   Vestfold Hills   Vibration Regulation Law   Vice Minister   Vice Rector of United Nations University   Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs   Vickers hardness   Victim Pays Principle   Video and Photograph Library   Vienna Convention   Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer   Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage   Vietnam War   Vince's cross   Vincennes Bay   Viral safety evaluation of biotechnology products derived from cell lines of human or animal origin   Virgin Portland Cement   Virunga National Park   Vision for Construction Industry Environmental Activity   Vision for Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability in Higher Education   Visit report   Visitor Guidelines   Visitor Zone   Visitors Book   Volatile Organic Compound Emission Inventory   Volatile Organic Compound Emission Inventory Study Group   Voluntary Partnership Agreement   Volunteer Fund for Nature Conservation   Vorticella   Vostok   Vostok Station   Vulnerable   W. Alton Jones Foundation   W/O type emulsion   WAEC   WAIS   WAP   WBCSD   WBGT   WBGU   WCC   WCD   WCL   WCMC   WCPA   WCPA-EA   WCRP   WDCGG   WDS   WECPNL   WEEE Directive   WEEE指令   WEO   WEPA   WET   WEU   WFC   WFED   WFP   WFTU   WFUNA   WGC   WGFD   WHO   WHO Collaborating Centre for Studies on the Health Effects of Organic Mercury   WHO Collaborating Centres on Influenza   WHO Global pandemic influenza action plan to increase vaccine supply   WHO Guidance on Regulations for the Transport of Infectious Substances   WHO Guidelines for the collection of human specimens for laboratory diagnosis of avian influenza infection   WHO H5 Reference Laboratories   WHO Member States   WHO antivirals stockpile   WHO pandemic influenza preparedness vaccine stockpile   WHO terms of reference   WHO-recommended influenza virus   WHO-recommended influenza virus for vaccine use   WHO.CC   WHOI   WHOが推奨するワクチン用インフルエンザウイルス   WHOの抗ウイルス薬の備蓄   WHOインフルエンザ協力センター   WHO・GISRS   WHO・H5標準検査機関   WHO・感染性物質の輸送規則に関する手引   WHO・鳥インフルエンザ感染の検査診断のためのヒト検体採取に関するガイドライン   WHO加盟国   WHO取り決め事項   WHO憲章に署名した国   WI   WI-AP   WI-J   WICE   WIDER   WIN-WINアプローチ   WIP   WIPO   WLI   WLI programme; Welie   WMO   WMO/MPERSS/AMC   WMO/MPERSS/Area Meteorological Co-ordinator   WMO/MPRESS/地域気象センター   WOCE   WOE   WPC   WPI   WQI   WRI   WRMG   WSSD   WTO   WTO/CTE   WTO/Committee on Trade and Environment   WTO/Ministerial Declaration   WTO/貿易と環境に関する委員会   WTO/閣僚宣言   WTO第4回閣僚会議   WWC   WWD   WWF   WWF 2020 biodiversity goals   WWF 2020 footprint goal   WWF International   WWF biodiversity meta-goal   WWFの2020年フットプリント目標   WWFの2020年生物多様性目標   WWFの生物多様性メタ目標   WWFインターナショナル   WWT   Wa-no-kuni - an eco-society that is in harmony with the earth   Wa-no-kurashi   Wadachi's Theory   Wageningen   Walkabout Rocks   Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Mainden Tower   Walleye Pollack   War crimes   Washing and Cleaning Agents Law   Washing and Cleaning Agents Regulations Act   Waste Data Sheet   Waste Management Division   Waste Management Law   Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law   Waste Management and Recycling Department   Waste Minimization Expert Group   Waste Reducing Promotion Week   Waste Research Foundation   Waste Revolution   Waste Treatment Technology Information Website   Waste Water Purification Office   Wastes Disposal Facility Development Plan   Watase Line   Water Cycle/Treated Sewage Model Program   Water Environment Committee   Water Environment Creation Project under the New Generation Sewage Support System   Water Environment Division   Water Environment Forum   Water Environment Improvement Emergency Action Plan   Water Environment Partnership in Asia   Water Forum   Water Planet   Water Pollution Control Law   Water Pollution Control for Latin America   Water Quality Bureau   Water Quality Committee for the Conservation of Aquatic Life   Water Quality Control Law   Water Quality Index for Biodiversity   Water Quality Survey of Groundwater   Water Research Commission   Water Resources Act   Water Resources Development Law   Water Resources Development Organization Law   Water Services Statistics   Water Source Regions Development Program   Water Supply Law   Water Watch Asia   Water Works Law   Water and Greenery Network   Water and Greenery Network for the conservation of ecosystems   Waterbird Population Estimates   Watercourse and Project WET   Waterwatch Australia   Waterworks Clause Act   Waterworks Engineering   Waterworks Law   Weber-Fechner's law   Weddell seal   Wednesday Island   Welman-Loard method   West Africa Marine   West African Economic Community   West Antarctic ice sheet   Western Antarctic Peninsula   Western European Union   Western Ghats   Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index   Wet Tropics World Heritage Area   Wetland Inventory and Monitoring Specialist Group   Wetland Link International   Wetland Link International programme   Wetlands International   Wetlands International -Oceania   Wetlands International Board of Directors meeting   Wetlands International Japan   Wetlands International Senior Staff Meeting   Wetlands International-Asia Pacific   Wetlands Network of Japan   Wetlands for the Future Initiative   Wetlands of International Importance   What you say vs. what you think   White Paper 2003 Information and Communications in Japan   White Paper on the Environment Cover Page Illustration Contest   White Paper on the Environment and the Sound Material-Cycle Society   White Paper on the Environment and the Sound Material-Cycle Society Cover Page Illustration Contest   White Paper on the National Lifestyle   Whitney Point   Wilcoxon rank-sum test   Wild Bird Society of Japan   Wilderness Areas   Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust   Wildlife Act   Wildlife Awareness Manual   Wildlife Coexistence Environmental Development Program   Wildlife Committee of the Central Environment Council   Wildlife Division   Wildlife Enforcement Officer   Wildlife Habitats Network Development Model Program   Wildlife Management Fund   Wildlife Management Manual Development Project   Wildlife Management Manual Development Project for Specified Regions   Wildlife Management Office   Wildlife Management Optimization Program   Wildlife Management Personnel Training Program   Wildlife Protection Committee   Wildlife Protection Plan   Wildlife Protection Zone   Wildlife Protection and Hunting Law   Wildlife Protection and Management Personnel Training Program   Wildlife Rescue Center of the Department   Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center   Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Support Center   Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act   Wilkes Land   Willett Cove   Windmill Islands region   Windome Tachikawa   Windscale   Wingspread Statement   Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principles   Winkler method   Wisdom Circle   Wise Use Handbooks   Wise Use Resource Centre   Wise Use Resource Library   Withdrawal of survey and/or commercial license   Wolffian duct   Woodland Carbon Code   Woodland Carbon Code logo   Woodland Carbon Code registered trademark   Woodland Carbon Code registry   Woodland Carbon Units   Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution   Work Plan   Work Plan 2003-2005   Workbook on Environmental Management Accounting Methods   Workers' Collective   Working Group Cement   Working Group Lead   Working Group on Biosafety   Working Group on Future Development of EANET   Working Group on the Harmonization of Regulatory Oversight on Biotechnology   Working Group to Revise the Strategy for Environmental Hormones SPEED '98   Working Party on Environment   Working Party on Environmental Performance   Working Party on Export Credit and Credit Guarantees   Workshop on International Human Dimension Programme   Workshop on Reduction of Unintentional POPs in East Asian Countries   Workshop on the Environmental Biology and Biodiversity of Land-based Cryptogam   Workshop on the PACCLIM Integrated Model for Climate Change Vulnerability   World Alliance for Patient Safety   World Bank   World Bank Institute   World Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund   World Botanic Garden Congress   World Business Council for Sustainable Development   World Business Council on Sustainable Development   World Calibration Centre   World Charter for Nature   World Climate Conference   World Climate Research Programme   World Commission on Dams   World Commission on Environment and Development   World Commission on Protected Areas   World Commission on Protected Areas in East Asia   World Confederation of Labour   World Congress of Paramos   World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change   World Conservation Congress   World Conservation Monitoring Centre   World Conservation Strategy   World Conservation Union   World Customs Organization   World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases   World Dental Federation   World Economic Forum   World Environment Day   World Environment Organization   World Federation of Trade Unions   World Federation of United Nations Associations   World Fish Center   World Food Conference   World Food Council   World Food Day   World Food Programme   World Forest Appraisal Programme   World Forum for Environment and Development   World Future Council   World Geodetic System 1984   World Health Assembly   World Health Assembly resolution WHA60.28 on pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits   World Health Organization   World Heritage   World Heritage Centre   World Heritage Committee   World Heritage Conservation Center   World Heritage Convention   World Heritage Fund   World Heritage List   World Heritage site   World Industry Council for the Environment   World Institute for Development Economics Research   World Intellectual Property Organization   World Mayors Council on Climate Change Kyoto Meeting   World Meteorological Organization   World Natural Heritage   World Natural Heritage site   World Ocean Circulation Experiment   World Organization for Animal Health   World Parks Congress   World Petroleum Congress   World Population Conference   World Resources Institute   World Soil Map   World Summit on Sustainable Development   World Summit on Sustainable Development: Plan of Implementation   World Tourism Organization   World Trade Organization   World Urban Forum   World War II   World Water Council   World Water Forum   World Weather Watch Plan   World Wetlands Day   World Wetlands Week   World Wide Declaration of Local Self-Government   World Wide Fund for Nature   World Wide Fund for Nature Japan   World Wildlife Fund   World Wildlife Fund US   World-wide Standardized Seismic Network   Worldwatch Institute   Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention   Worst Journey in the World   Worst-case challenge   Wuhan Urban Railway Construction Project   W・オールトン・ジョーンズ財団   X ray analysis   X-ray   X-ray absorption analyzer   X-ray diffraction   X-ray diffractometer   X-ray diffractometry   X-ray fluorescence analyzer   X-ray inspection   X-ray inspection apparatus   X-ray non-destructive testing   X-ray powder method   X-ray technician   X-ray test   XX treatment courses of needed antiviral medicine for the pandemic   Xe   Xinjiang Water-saving Irrigation Project   Xiphias gladius   X線   X線写真   X線分析   X線吸収分析計   X線回折   X線回折法   X線回折装置   X線技師   X線検査   X線深傷法   X線試験   X線透過装置   Y   Yaeyama Islands   Yakushima World Heritage Area Management Plan   Yakushima macaque   Yakusugi   Yamashina Foundation for Wildlife Conservation Research   Yamashina Institute for Ornithology   Yangtze Basin   Yatsu-higata Nature Observation Center   Yatsugatake-Chushinkogen Quasi-National Park   Yb   Year 1950 Problem   Year 2000 Objective   Year of the Environment   Yeddo spruce   Yelcho Station   Yellow Sea   Yellow Sea Ecoregion   Yingkou Water Supply Project   Yogyakarta   Yokkaichi Pollution Lawsuit   Yokkaichi asthma   Yokohama Action Plan   Yokohama Aka-Renga Park   Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse   Yokohama Zoological Gardens Zoorasia   Yoshino-Kumano National Park   Young's modulus   Youth Community Eco Program Promotion Project   Youth Outdoor Education and Experience Month   Yufuin Conference Declaration   Yufuin Culture and Documentary Film Festival   Yufuin Film Festival   Yufuin Green Tourism Institute   Yufuin Information Dissemination Program   Yufuin Music Festival   Yufuincho Environmental Design Conference   Yusho   Yuyu-no-mori   ZPG   ZT   Zaidanhojin KEEP Kyokai   Zero Emission Industrial Park   Zero Waste Partnership Conference   Zero-waste Conference   Zhongshan   Zhongshan Station   Zimmerman process   Ziphiidae   Ziphius cavirostris   Zipingpu Multi-purpose Dam Construction Project in Sichuan Province   Zizania latifolia communities   Zooglea   Zostera bed   Zostera beds in semi-closed bay   Zostera marina community   Zr   a certain amount of porosity   a hundred year outlook on Japan's efforts to protect biodiversity   a slew of   abalone   abandon   abandoned agricultural land   abandoned automobile   abandoned cultivated land   abandoned mine   abandoned vehicle   abandoned well   abandoned work site   abandonment   abate   abatement   abatement debris   abattoir   abdomen   aberration   ability   ability for renewal   ability to stabilize itself   ablution   abnormal arrangement   abnormal burden   abnormal condition   abnormal content   abnormal curvature   abnormal dry weather   abnormal extension   abnormal growth of teeth   abnormal heading   abnormal lobulation   abnormal odor   abnormal prions   abnormal profile   abnormal reproductive function   abnormal unloading   abnormal urine   abnormal value   abnormal weather   abnormalities in reproductive behavior of birds   abnormality in the reproductive behavior   abnormality report   abnormally wet year   abolish   abolished school   abolishment   abolition   abolition standards   abortifacient activity   abortion   abortus   above-ground carbon stock   aboveground tree biomass   abrasion   abrasion platform   abrasion resistance   abrasive cutting machine   abrasive paper   abrasive powder   abrogation   abscess   abscissa   abscissa constant   absence   absence of functional Board   absentee   absolute age   absolute contract   absolute humidity   absolute liability   absolute porosity   absolute poverty   absolute pressure   absolute specific gravity   absolute stability   absolute temperature   absolute turbidity   absolute unit   absolute value   absolute velocity   absolute viscosity   absolute volume   absolute-value comparison of energy consumption per household   absorb   absorbable organic halogen   absorbance   absorbate   absorbed volume   absorbent   absorbent cotton   absorbent gel   absorber   absorbing power   absorbing well   absorptiometric determination   absorption   absorption apparatus   absorption band   absorption barrier   absorption cell   absorption coefficient   absorption hygrometer   absorption line   absorption loss   absorption of oxygen   absorption of sound   absorption oil   absorption rate   absorption refrigeration   absorption spectrophotometry   absorption spectrum   absorption speed   absorption test   absorption tower   absorption type refrigerator   absorption water cooler/heater unit   absorption-type demerger   absorptive bubble separation method   absorptive capacity   absorptive water   absorptivity   abstract   abstract in foreign language   abundance   abundance and distribution of selected species   abundant human resources for environmental protection   abuse of right   abutment   abutment construction   abutment tooth   abyssal circulation   academic collector   academic institution   academic organization   academic reference forest reserve   academic research   academic research institute   academic sector   academic society   academic staff   academic study   academics and experts   acari   acaricide   acceding EU   accelerate   accelerated discharge of ice   accelerated erosion   accelerated running noise   acceleration   acceleration effect   acceleration measurement   acceleration noise   acceleration of gravity   acceleration of the shift to CFC-free foaming agents and insulation   accelerometer   accentuated follicle   accept   accept grant applications   acceptability   acceptable daily intake   acceptable humane method   acceptable level   acceptable noise level   acceptable quality   acceptable value   acceptance   acceptance & applicability   acceptance inspection   acceptance of a bribe   acceptance of appeal to the court of the last resort   acceptance test   acceptance without inspection   acceptor   access   access and benefit sharing   access and benefit-sharing activity   access and movement provisions   access and utilization of genetic resources   access contract   access fee   access mode choice   access of air   access opening   access permit   access road   access route   access to and movement within or over the area   access to genetic resources   access to genetic resources and benefit sharing   access to genetic resources and benefit sharing conditions of access   access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing   access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their utilization   access to genetic resources of Kenya   access to information   access to resource   access to treated sewage   access to …   accessibility   accessible gravel beach   accession   accessories   accessory   accessory placenta   accessory vertebra   accessoryship   accident   accident compensation   accident insurance   accident involving casualties   accident prevention   accident site   accidental capturing   accidental death   accidental discharge   accidental error   accidental homicide   accidental loss   accidental species   acclimation   acclimatisation of soil respiration to moderate warming   acclimatization   accommodate   accommodating facilities   accommodation   accommodation capacity   accompanying sterile single-use-per-eye disposable applicator   accomplish   accomplishment   account   account for   account receivable   accountability   accountants' section   accounting   accounting auditor   accounting books   accounting division   accounting period   accounting skill   accounting structure   accounts and audit   accreditation   accreditation and conformity assessment   accreditation body   accreditation criteria   accreditation process   accreditation system   accredited body   accredited certification body   accretionary prism   accumulating hopper   accumulation   accumulation in body   accumulation in the body   accumulator   accuracy   accuracy control   accuracy-control standards   accusation   accused   acenaphthene   acetaldehyde   acetate   acetate buffer   acetic ester   acetobacter   acetone   acetonitrile   acetylacetone method   acetylcholine esterase   acetylene   acetylene from calcium carbide   achieve a balance between the environment and economy   achieved value   achievement level   achievement rate   achievement rate of the Environmental Quality Standards   achievement status of environmental quality standard   achieving consistent and continuous customer satisfaction   aciculignosa   acid   acid aerosol   acid catalyst   acid clay   acid color   acid content   acid deposition   acid deposition monitoring equipment   acid deposition monitoring station   acid deposition precursor   acid dew point   acid dip   acid dust   acid dye   acid extraction treatment   acid fermentation   acid fog   acid former   acid gas scrubber   acid lake   acid lead arsenate   acid mine drain   acid mine drainage   acid mist   acid mordant dye   acid neutralizing capacity   acid precipitation   acid proof refractory   acid resistance   acid resistance test   acid resisting alloy   acid salt   acid sludge   acid smut   acid soil   acid treatment   acid value   acid washing wastewater   acid waste liquid   acid wastewater   acid water   acid-base indicator   acid-base titration   acidic fermentation   acidic rock   acidification   acidification of soil   acidification of water   acidify   acidity   acidophilic   acidotrophic lake   acknowledge with appreciation   acknowledgement   acknowledgment   acknowledgment of claims   acne   acorn barnacle  

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