 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
the State
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 the State
2 Convention relative to the Preservation of Fauna and Flora in their Natural State 自然状態の動植物相保存条約
3 FY 2001 Report on the State of Air Pollution 平成13年度大気汚染状況報告書  
4 gaining a clear picture of the state of the local environment 地方環境情勢の把握
5 general monitoring survey to find out the state of groundwater 地下水の状況を把握する概況調査
6 Law concerning the Promotion of Contracts considering Reduction of GHGs Emissions by the State and Other Entities Green Contract Law 国等における温室効果ガス等の排出の削減に配慮した契約の推進に関する法律 環境配慮契約法
7 Law concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities Law on Promoting Green Purchasing; Green Purchasing Promotion Law 国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律 グリーン購入法
8 OECD-Group on the State of the Environment 環境の状況グループ
9 Overview of the Survey Result concerning Survey and Measures and State of Responses for Soil Contamination 土壌汚染調査・対策事例及び対応状況に関する調査結果の概要
10 preparation of National State of the Environment Reports 国家環境状況報告書の作成
11 public reporting on the state of re-employment of former Ministry officials 再就職状況の公表(退職した職員に係る)
12 Report on the Heat Island Phenomenon - Analysis of the Current State and Countermeasures ヒートアイランド現象の実態解析と対策のあり方について報告書
13 Report on the State of Air Pollution 大気汚染状況報告書
14 results of the review relating to the state of compliance with the Air Pollution Control Law by the paper industry 製紙業に対する大気汚染防止法遵守状況に係る点検結果
15 state bordering the straits 海峡沿岸国
16 state of handling of violations of laws and regulations related to pollution by the Public Prosecutor's Office 検察庁における公害関係法令違反事件の受理・処理状況
17 State of the Generation and Treatment of Industrial Waste (FY 2001 Results) 産業廃棄物の排出及び処理状況等(平成13年度実績)について
18 State of the Generation and Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste(FY2000 results) 一般廃棄物の排出及び処理状況等(平成12年度実績)について
19 State of the Global Environment and Challenges 地球環境の現状と課題
20 State of the Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste, FY 2002 産業廃棄物の不法投棄の状況(平成14年度)ついて
21 state of the natural environment as it was when the protection process began 保護手続開始時点における自然環境の状態
22 state of the ozone layer オゾン層の状況
23 Stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council 中国国務院の獣医畜産部局
24 Survey on the State of Food Contamination by Dioxins 食品のダイオキシン汚染実態調査
25 Survey on the State of Food Contamination by Dioxins 食品中のダイオキシン汚染実態調査研究
26 Tampico City in the State of Tamaulipas タマウリパス州タンピコ市
27 Technical Study Committee Report on the Application of Simplified Analytical Methods to Measure the State of Soil and Sediment Contamination by Dioxins ダイオキシン類簡易測定法評価検討会報告書
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