 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
fishing ground
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 fishing ground 漁場
2 coastal fishing ground improvement project 沿岸漁場整備開発事業
3 Fishing Ground Creation Project 海の畑づくり
4 fishing ground environment 漁場環境
5 fishing ground environment conservation and comprehensive beautification promotion project 漁場環境保全総合美化推進事業
6 fishing ground environments 漁場環境
7 fishing ground protection 漁場保全
8 frontal fishing ground 前線漁場
9 method to improve the fishing ground environment 漁場環境改善方策
10 Relief Fund for Oil Pollution Damage in Fishing Grounds (財)漁場油濁被害救済基金