 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
environmental preservation
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 environmental preservation 環境保全
2 designation of water area types of rivers under the Environmental Quality Standards for Water Pollution for the Preservation of Aquatic Life 水生生物の保全に係る水質環境基準の類型指定
3 Engineering for Regional Environmental Preservation 地域環境保全技術
4 environmental preservation fee 環境保全協力金
5 environmental preservation industry 公害防止産業
6 Environmental Preservation Section (Naha-shi city) 環境保全課(那覇市)
7 Environmental Quality Standards Related to the Preservation of the Living Environment 生活環境の保全に関する環境基準
8 Measures for Environmental Preservation to Deal with the Urgent Problem of Shinkansen Railway Vibration 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策