 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
energy conservation
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 energy conservation 省エネルギー
2 Cabinet Meeting on Promoting Energy and Resources Conservation 省エネルギー・省資源推進会議
3 conservation of energy エネルギー保存
4 conservation of energy and planting of trees or woodlots エネルギー保全及び植林又は植林地
5 energy conservation measure 省エネルギー対策
6 energy conservation project 省エネルギー事業
7 energy conservation rate mark 省エネ性マーク
8 Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (財)建築環境・省エネルギー機構
9 Liaison Council for the Dissemination and Promotion of Insulation under the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (財)建築環境・省エネルギー機構断熱普及・促進連絡会議
10 Local Promotion Council for the Resource Conservation and Energy Conservation People's Movement 省資源・省エネルギー国民運動地方推進会議
11 measure to improve energy conservation of buildings 建築物の省エネ性能の向上対策
12 measure to improve energy conservation of residential housing 住宅の省エネ性能の向上対策
13 resource and energy conservation 省資源・省エネルギー
14 resource conservation and energy conservation people's movement 省資源・省エネルギー国民運動
15 The Energy Conservation Center, Japan (財)省エネルギーセンター