 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 Contracting Parties CPs 締約国
2 contracting party 締約国
3 parties to the Convention 締約国
4 states parties 締約国
5 adoption of rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議の手続き規則の採択
6 Aichi-Nagoya COP10 CBD Promotion Committee 生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議支援実行委員会
7 all Parties to the CBD 生物多様性条約の全締約国
8 Annex I countries of Asia and the Pacific of UNFCCC A-CAP アジア太平洋地域の附属書I締約国(UNFCCC)
9 Annex I Parties 附属書I締約国
10 Antarctic Treaty Party 南極条約締約国
11 authority and guidance of the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議の権限及び指導
12 Bureau of the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議の議長団
13 Bureau of the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議議長団
14 commitment of Parties to meet the obligations 締約国の義務を果たす意志
15 Conference Committee 締約国会議運営委員会
16 conference document 締約国会議文書
17 conference of parties COP 締約国会議
18 Conference of Parties of Marine Pollution and Disaster Prevention Convention 海洋汚染防止条約締約国会議
19 Conference of the Contracting Parties COP 締約国会議 COP
20 Conference of the Parties COP, CoP 締約国会議
21 Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol CMP 締約国会合
22 Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol この議定書の締約国の会合としての役割を果たす締約国会議
23 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity 生物多様性条約締約国会議
24 Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC 国連気候変動枠組条約締約国会議
25 Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC-COP 気候変動に関する国連枠組条約締約国会議
26 Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 気候変動枠組条約締約国会議
27 consultative meeting of the Contracting Parties to the London Convention ロンドン条約締約国協議会議
28 COP bis 締約国会議再開会合
29 COP decision III/8(CBD) COP決定III/8(第3回締約国会議決定8)
30 COP Extraordinary Meetings ExCOP 特別締約国会議
31 date and venue of the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties 第11回締約国会議の開催日程及び開催地
32 decisions related to organizational matters for the Secretariat and the Conference of the Parties, etc. 事務局及び締約国会議の組織的事項に関する決定など
33 developed country Party 先進締約国
34 developed signatory country 先進締約国
35 developing country Party 開発途上締約国
36 eligible Contracting Party 受給資格のある締約国
37 eligible Contracting Party 該当する締約国
38 first meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol 名古屋議定書の締約国の会合としての役割を果たす締約国会議の第1 回会合
39 Guidelines for the Preparation of National Communications by ANNEX I Parties 附属書Ⅰ締約国の通報の作成のためのガイドライン
40 host country 開催国(ラムサール条約の締約国会議の)
41 meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety COP-MOP (Cartagena) カルタヘナ議定書の締約国会合としての役割を果たす締約国会議
42 Meeting of the Parties MOP 締約国会合
43 meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety COP-MOP (Cartagena) カルタヘナ議定書締約国会議
44 multi-year programme of work for the Conference of the Parties for the period 2011-2020 and periodicity of meetings 締約国会議の開催頻度を含む2011年—2020年の多年度作業計画
45 non-Annex I Parties 非附属書Ⅰ締約国
46 non-party 非締約国
47 ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties 通常の締約国会議
48 ordinary meeting of the COP 通常締約国会議
49 ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議の通常会合
50 Parties, other Governments 締約国その他政府
51 party included in Annex I 付属書1に掲げる締約国
52 party present and voting 出席しかつ投票する締約国
53 President of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CBD CBD第10回締約国会議議長
54 Referral of a situation by a State Party 締約国による事態の付託
55 relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties 締約国会議の関連する決定
56 Rules of Procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD CBD締約国会議の手続規則
57 second meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol COP/MOP 2;CMP2 京都議定書第2回締約国会議
58 State not Party to this Convention この条約の締約国でない国
59 subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties COP subsidiary body 締約国会議の補助機関
60 territories of specific Contracting Parties 特定の締約国領土
61 third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety COP-MOP3 カルタヘナ議定書第3回締約国会議
62 this Conference of the Contracting Parties 今回の締約国会議
63 10th meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol モントリオール議定書第10回締約国会議
64 3rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP3 気候変動枠組条約第3回締約国会議 COP3