 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 administration 経営
2 management 経営
3 operation 経営
4 agricultural expenditure 農業経営費
5 agricultural management plans in dry land areas 乾燥地における農村経営計画
6 agricultural management technique 農業経営技術
7 business analysis 経営分析
8 challenging, quality-oriented, customer-driven business objectives and strategies 積極的な品質重視・顧客指向の経営の目標と戦略
9 classification by management types of beef cattle 肉用牛経営タイプの分類
10 classification by management types of hog 養豚経営タイプの分類
11 classification by size of agricultural land excluding forest which is not used for pasturing 経営農用地規模別分類
12 classification by type of management 経営形態別分類
13 classification of farm household by combination of family members 家族経営構成別分類
14 classification of farm household by cultivated land under management 経営耕地面積規模別分類
15 classification of farm household by type of farm 農業経営組織別分類
16 classification of farm management 農業経営分類
17 classification of fishery establishment by type of fishery or tonnage of fishing vessel 漁業経営体階層区分
18 classification of fishery establishment by type of management 経営組織区分
19 classification on farmland ownership and farm management 農地の所有・経営に関する分類
20 clear management policies that reflect its management principles, industry, business, scope and business environment 業種、業態、規模、経営環境に応じた明確な経営方針
21 consumer-oriented management 消費者志向経営
22 corporation farm 法人経営体
23 cost of fishery management 漁業経営費
24 criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management 持続可能な森林経営のための基準・指標
25 cultivated land under management 経営耕地
26 daily type operation 乳用種経営
27 development of the consumer-oriented management policy 消費者志向経営方針の策定
28 environmental conservation in livestock operation 畜産経営環境保全
29 establishment of a necessary structure for consumer-oriented management 消費者志向経営に関する体制の構築
30 establishment of high-productivity paddy-field farming 水田農業経営確立
31 fattening, consistent management 肥育経営及び一貫経営(豚)
32 fish processing management 水産加工経営体
33 fishery establishment 漁業経営体
34 For breeding 子取り経営
35 forest management 森林経営
36 forestry expenditures 林業経営費
37 formulation of the consumer-oriented management plan 消費者志向経営計画の策定
38 Guidelines for Environmental Management 環境に関する経営のための指針
39 implementation of consumer-oriented management 消費者志向経営の実施
40 inland water aquaculture establishment 内水面養殖業経営体
41 inland water fishery establishment 内水面漁業経営体
42 institute environmental management systems 環境経営を行う
43 International Working Group on Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Other Forests 温帯林等の保全と持続可能な経営の基準・指標に関する国際作業グループ
44 Japan Quality Award JQA 日本経営品質賞
45 livestock operation 畜産経営
46 long-term management planning 長期経営計画
47 manage 経営する
48 management commitment 経営者のコミットメント
49 management efficiency 経営効率
50 management planning 経営計画
51 Management Policies and Their Deployment regarding Quality Management 品質マネジメントに関する経営方針とその展開
52 management policy 経営方針
53 management responsibility 経営者の責任
54 management system 経営方式
55 management with executive responsibility 執行責任をもつ経営者
56 marine aquaculture establishment 海面養殖業経営体
57 marine fishery establishment 海面漁業経営体
58 medium scale fishery establishment 中小漁業経営体
59 multiple farming 複合経営農家
60 National Forest Management Rules 国有林野経営規程
61 Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests Statement of Forest Principles すべての種類の森林の経営、保全及び持続可能な開発に関する世界的合意のための法的拘束力のない権威ある原則声明 森林原則声明
62 operate 経営する
63 organized farm 組織経営体
64 performance assessment of consumer-oriented management activities and auditing of COMS 消費者志向経営対応の評価および監査
65 promotion of sustainable forest management 持続可能な森林経営の推進
66 ratio of management intension 経営の集約度
67 responsible person of farm management 農業経営の責任者
68 rice farming income stabilization program 稲作経営安定対策
69 semi-multiple farming 準単一複合経営農家
70 single farming 単一経営農家
71 sustainable forest management SFM 持続可能な森林経営
72 the management 経営陣
73 under the top management's firm determination and leadership 経営トップ層の強い使命感と強力なリーダーシップのもとに
74 voluntary farm 任意経営体
75 wheat and barley farming income stabilization program 麦作経営安定資金
76 with the least management resources できるだけ少ない経営資源で