 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 brachy-
2 assistant professor at the School of Health Science Kyushu University 九州大学医療技術短期大学部助教授
3 curtailment 短縮
4 effect of short term geomagnetic phenomena 短期地磁気現象
5 environmental quality standard for short-term assessment of sulfur dioxide 短期的評価に基づく二酸化硫黄に係る環境基準
6 HF radio 短波無線
7 junior college 短期大学
8 plant height compared to that of normal year or former year 草丈の長短
9 reduced length of growing season 成長時期の短縮化
10 short circuit 短絡
11 short circuiting 短絡
12 short rotation 短伐期
13 short term 短期
14 shortened gestation period 妊娠期間の短縮
15 shortening 短縮
16 shortening of periodic inspection time 定期検査期間の短縮
17 shortest axis 最短の中心線
18 Short-Lived Climate Forcers SLCF 短寿命気候強制成分
19 short-term assessment 短期的評価
20 short-term borrowing 短期借入金
21 short-term exposure limit 短時間曝露限界(値)
22 short-term extinctive prescription 短期消滅時効
23 short-term lease 短期賃貸借
24 short-term water exposure study 短期浸漬試験
25 VHF radio 超短波無線
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