 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 animal husbandry 畜産
2 livestock 畜産
3 livestock business 畜産
4 livestock industry 畜産
5 livestock raging 畜産
6 conservation of stockbreeding environment 畜産環境保全
7 environmental conservation in livestock operation 畜産経営環境保全
8 factory farm 工場式畜産
9 fertilizer from livestock manure 畜産由来肥料
10 livestock derived fertilizer 畜産由来肥料
11 livestock farming 畜産農業
12 livestock farming effluent 畜産排水
13 livestock industry 畜産業
14 livestock operation 畜産経営
15 livestock products 畜産物生産量
16 livestock wastewater 畜産排水
17 marketing of livestock 畜産物の流通
18 pollution by livestock effluent 畜産公害
19 production cost of agricultural products, livestock and cocoon 農畜産物・繭の生産費
20 stabilization system of livestock prices 畜産物(食肉)価格安定制度
21 stock farm products 畜産物
22 Stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department 獣医畜産部局
23 Stockbreeding and veterinary administrative department of the State Council 中国国務院の獣医畜産部局
24 Stock-breeding Law (China) 畜産法(中国)
25 stockbreeding pollution 畜産公害
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