 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 produce 産物
2 product 産物
3 agricultural price support 農産物価格支持
4 agricultural price support by government 農産物行政価格
5 agricultural products 農産物
6 agricultural products grown without using chemical fertilizers 無化学肥料栽培農産物
7 biological by-products of on-site processing 現場処理で生じた生物学的副産物
8 biological product 生物産物
9 by-product 副産物
10 classification of farm household by selling amount of agricultural products 農産物販売金額規模別分類
11 conceptus 受胎産物
12 Construction By-products Information Exchange System 建設副産物情報交換システム
13 Council of Eight Construction Organizations to Tackle By-products 建設8団体副産物対策協議会
14 Directorate for Forest Products Processing and Marketing インドネシア林業省林産物加工・マーケティング局
15 Directorate of Forest Levies and Forest Products Circulation 林業賦課金・林産物流通局
16 establishment for direct sales 農産物直売施設
17 FAO principles of surplus disposal 余剰農産物処理原則
18 fishery product 水産物
19 fishery products price index 水産物価格指数
20 forest products 森林生産物
21 forestry products in stock 未処分林産物
22 fumigate quarantined agricultural products 農産物の検疫くん蒸
23 Guidelines for Labeling of Organic Farm Products and Specially Grown Farm Products 有機農産物及び特別栽培農産物の表示ガイドライン
24 Guidelines for Promoting Proper Treatment of Construction By-products 建設副産物適正処理推進要綱
25 index number of price in agricultural product 農産物価格指数
26 intermediate products 中間生産物
27 Letter of Authorization for Forest Products 合法林産物証明書(インドネシア)
28 livestock products 畜産物生産量
29 local agricultural product 地域農産物
30 main products 主産物
31 marine product 水産物
32 marketing of livestock 畜産物の流通
33 marketing(of fishery products) 水産物の流通
34 metabolite 代謝産物
35 no chemical fertilizer produce 無化学肥料農産物
36 organic farm product 有機農産物
37 organic produce 有機農産物
38 Permission for Forest Products Business- Natural Forest 天然林木材林産物利用事業許可
39 Permission for Use by Forest Products Businesses-Plantation Forest 人工林木材林産物利用事業許可
40 Permission for Use by Forest Products Business-Natural Forest 天然林木材林産物利用事業許可(インドネシア)
41 primary product 一次産物
42 processed agricultural products 加工農産物
43 production cost of agricultural products, livestock and cocoon 農畜産物・繭の生産費
44 Project for Developing Supply Bases for Marine Products 水産物供給基盤整備事業
45 quantity of fishery products deposited (to the cold storage) as of the end of every month 水産物月末在庫量
46 quantity of fishery products deposited per month 水産物月間入庫量
47 quantity of fishery products released per month 水産物月間出庫量
48 semi-processed metal 精錬中間生産物
49 special forest products 特用林産物
50 specially grown farm product 特別栽培農産物
51 stabilization system of livestock prices 畜産物(食肉)価格安定制度
52 stock farm products 畜産物
53 stock of agricultural products 未処分農産物