 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 environmental conservation 環境保全
2 environmental preservation 環境保全
3 abundant human resources for environmental protection 環境保全に携わる豊富な人材
4 Action Plan for Greening Government Operations 国の事業者・消費者としての環境保全に向けた取組の率先実行のための行動計画 率先実行計画
5 activity of environmental conservation 環境保全行動
6 Analytical Report - 3rd National survey on the Natural Environment, Analysis Edition 第3回自然環境保全基礎調査 総合解析報告書解析編
7 Basic Plan for Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海環境保全基本計画
8 Basic Policy for Natural Environment Conservation 自然環境保全基本方針
9 Basic Policy on Conservation of the Natural Environment 自然環境保全基本方針
10 Caring for the Earth 新世界環境保全戦略
11 Coastal Environmental Information Service 沿岸海域環境保全情報サービス
12 Commendations for Contributions in Environmental Conservation 環境保全功労者等表彰
13 Committee for Reviewing Systems for the Protection of Soil Environment 土壌環境保全対策の制度のあり方に関する検討会
14 Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection CAEP 航空環境保全委員会
15 community-based environmental conservation efforts 地域発の環境保全活動
16 comprehensive environmental conservation efforts 総合環境保全活動
17 Comprehensive Promotion of Research, Monitoring and Technology Development for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全に関する調査研究、観測・監視及び技術開発の総合的推進について
18 conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention 環境保全・公害防止研究発表会
19 conservation of air, water and soil quality 大気・水・土壌環境保全
20 conservation of stockbreeding environment 畜産環境保全
21 conservation of water environment 水環境保全
22 Council of Ministers for Global Environment Conservation 地球環境保全に関する関係閣僚会議
23 creation of environmentally conscious community 環境保全型の地域づくり
24 eco-friendly product 環境保全型商品
25 ecotourism 環境保全型自然体験活動 エコツーリズム
26 enforce environmental conservation measures 環境保全対策を実施する
27 Engineering for Regional Environmental Preservation 地域環境保全技術
28 Environment Conservation Guideline 環境保全指針
29 Environment Conservation Survey Program for Wildlife at Sea and Tidal Flats 海と干潟の生物環境保全調査
30 environment friendly product 環境保全型商品
31 environment friendly products; environmentally sound goods 環境保全型製品
32 environmental conservation activities implemented in developing areas by Japanese NGOs 国内の民間団体が行う開発途上地域の環境保全活動
33 environmental conservation activities implemented in developing areas by non-Japanese NGOs 海外の民間団体が行う開発途上地域の環境保全活動
34 environmental conservation activities implemented in Japan by Japanese NGOs 国内の民間団体が行う国内環境保全活動
35 environmental conservation activity 環境保全活動
36 environmental conservation activity by private sector 民間環境保全活動
37 environmental conservation efforts 環境保全の取組
38 environmental conservation expenditure 環境保全経費
39 environmental conservation impact 環境保全効果
40 environmental conservation in Japan 国内環境保全
41 environmental conservation in livestock operation 畜産経営環境保全
42 Environmental Conservation Initiative for Sustainable Development EcoISD 持続可能な開発のための環境保全イニシアティブ EcoISD
43 environmental conservation measure for ports 港湾環境保全対策
44 environmental conservation measures by local governments 地方公共団体の環境保全対策
45 Environmental Conservation Measures Relating to Public Works 各種公共事業に係る環境保全対策について
46 environmental conservation ordinance 環境保全条例
47 environmental conservation policy 環境保全施策
48 environmental conservation project 環境保全事業
49 Environmental Conservation Projects utilizing Community Fund コミュニティ・ファンドを活用した環境保全活動促進事業
50 environmental conservation research conference 環境保全研究発表会
51 environmental conservation research result 環境保全研究成果
52 environmental performance 環境保全上の性能
53 environmental performance review 環境保全状況レビュー
54 environmental preservation fee 環境保全協力金
55 Environmental Preservation Section (Naha-shi city) 環境保全課(那覇市)
56 environmental protection ordinance 環境保全条例
57 environmental protection policy 環境保全政策
58 Environmental Survey on Marine Organisms 海域自然環境保全基礎調査
59 environmentally friendly agriculture 環境保全型農業
60 environmentally friendly community business 環境保全型コミュニティビジネス
61 environmentally friendly community planning 環境保全のまちづくり
62 environmentally sound economies 環境保全型経済
63 environmentally-conscious construction technology 地球環境保全型建築技術
64 environment-friendly agriculture and material manufacturing 地球環境保全型の農業・物質生産
65 expense for environmental conservation works 環境保全関係事業費
66 Experiment and Research Fund for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全試験研究費
67 fishing ground environment conservation and comprehensive beautification promotion project 漁場環境保全総合美化推進事業
68 Future Approaches to the Conservation of Soil Environment 今後の土壌環境保全対策のあり方について
69 general expenses related to global environmental conservation 地球環境保全関係一般経費
70 Global Environment Conservation Research Program 地球環境保全調査研究等総合推進計画
71 global environmental conservation 地球環境保全
72 global environmental conservation activities 地球環境保全活動
73 global environmental conservation budget 地球環境保全関係予算
74 Global Environmental Issues Division 環境保全対策課
75 Global Environmental Research Fund 地球環境保全等試験研究費
76 ground environment conservation measure 地盤環境保全対策
77 ground environment conservation type construction technology 地盤環境保全型建設技術
78 Guidebook Related to Environmental Protection for Engineering Plastics 機能性高分子環境保全関連資料
79 Information for the Conservation of Coastal Zone Environment 沿岸海域環境保全情報
80 interim initiative for global environmental conservation 地球環境保全に関する当面の取り組み
81 Interim Law for Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海環境保全臨時措置法
82 International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas EMECS 世界閉鎖性海域環境保全会議
83 investment for environment conservation 環境保全投資額
84 Japan-China Friendship Environmental Protection Centre 日中友好環境保全センター
85 Law concerning Special Measures for Conservation of the Environment of the Seto Inland Sea 瀬戸内海環境保全特別措置法
86 living environment conservation function 生活環境保全機能
87 local environmental conservation policy 地方環境保全政策
88 Long-term Program on Environmental Protection 環境保全長期計画
89 Marine Pollution Prevention Week 海洋環境保全推進週間
90 Measures for Environmental Preservation to Deal with the Urgent Problem of Shinkansen Railway Vibration 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策
91 Measures for Stimulating Environmental Conservation Activities (interim report) 環境保全活動の活性化方策について(中間答申)
92 Measures for Vibration Caused by Shinkansen Trains Urgently Required to Preserve the Environment 環境保全上緊急を要する新幹線鉄道振動対策について
93 Meeting of Senior Officials for the Council of Ministers for Global Environment Conservation 地球環境保全に関する関係閣僚会議幹事会
94 National Association Promotion of Environmental Conservation (社)全国環境保全推進連合会
95 National Conference of the Liaison Council of Municipalities for Water Environment Conservation 全国水環境保全市町村連絡協議会全国大会
96 National Survey of the Natural Environment: Survey of Ecosystems at Shallow Marine Waters 自然環境保全基礎調査浅海域生態系調査
97 National Survey on the Natural Environment Green Census 自然環境保全基礎調査 緑の国勢調査
98 natural environment conservation ordinance 自然環境保全条例
99 Natural Environment Preservation Corporation 自然環境保全法人
100 natural environment preserved area 自然環境保全地域