 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 coast 沿岸
2 adoption of guidelines for marine and coastal biological diversity (Jakarta Mandate), etc. 海洋沿岸生物多様性に関する指針(ジャカルタ・マンデート)の採択など
3 adoption of programmes of work on inland water, forest, marine and coastal biological diversity. 内陸水、森林、海洋・沿岸の生物多様性に関する作業計画の採択
4 Atlantic Dry Forests ブラジル大西洋沿岸の季節林
5 basic survey on coastal area 沿岸海域基礎調査
6 Biological Environment and Wildlife Inventory Survey in the Northern Coastal Area of Red Sea 北部紅海沿岸生物環境・生物インベントリー調査
7 coastal agriculture 沿岸農業
8 coastal area 沿岸地域
9 coastal area 沿岸域
10 Coastal Area Water Quality Monitoring Plan 沿岸部水質環境モニタリング計画
11 coastal brackish lagoon 沿岸域汽水礁湖
12 coastal brackish/saline lagoons including brackish to saline lagoons with at least one relatively narrow connection to the sea 沿岸汽水・塩水湖。1つ以上の狭い潮口で海域と通じる汽水から塩水の潟湖も含む
13 coastal ecosystem 沿岸生態系
14 Coastal Environmental Information Service 沿岸海域環境保全情報サービス
15 coastal fisheries 沿岸漁業
16 Coastal Fisheries Promotion Law 沿岸漁業等振興法
17 coastal fishery 沿岸漁業
18 coastal fishing 沿岸漁業
19 coastal fishing community 沿岸漁業社会
20 coastal fishing ground improvement project 沿岸漁場整備開発事業
21 coastal freshwater lagoon 沿岸域淡水潟
22 coastal inundation 沿岸部浸水
23 coastal management 沿岸域の管理
24 coastal oasis 沿岸オアシス
25 coastal plain estuary 沿岸平野の河口部
26 coastal region 沿岸域
27 coastal saline lagoon 沿岸域塩水礁湖
28 coastal state 沿岸国
29 coastal water striders 沿岸性ウミアメンボ類
30 coastal waters 沿岸水域
31 coastal waters 沿岸海域
32 Coastal Waters (Northern Territory Title) Act 1980 1980年沿岸水域(北部準州権原)法
33 coastal wetland 沿岸湿地
34 coastal zone 沿岸海域
35 Coastal Zone Environmental Sensitivity Index Map 沿岸海域環境脆弱性指標図
36 coastal zone management 沿岸地域の管理
37 coastal zone planning 沿岸域の利用計画策定(土地)
38 East Antarctic coastal geologic 東南極沿岸地質
39 ecology of coastal area 沿岸地域の生態環境
40 employment and settlement in coastal community 沿岸地域社会の雇用及び定住
41 Environment D East Antarctic coastal geologic 環境D「東南極沿岸地質」
42 Environment L Continental coastal zone ice sheet 環境L「大陸沿岸域の氷床」
43 European Strategy for ICZM 欧州統合的沿岸域管理戦略
44 Human Dimensions Issues in the Coastal Zones 人間的側面から見た沿岸域の環境問題
45 Important Coastal Area Biota Survey 重要沿岸域生物調査
46 increasing damage from coastal flooding 沿岸洪水の被害の増加
47 Information for the Conservation of Coastal Zone Environment 沿岸海域環境保全情報
48 Information Management System for Coastal Areas 沿岸域情報管理システム
49 Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management ICARM 沿岸域及び河川流域の統合的管理
50 Integrated Coastal Area Management ICAM 統合的沿岸地域管理
51 Integrated Coastal Management ICM 統合的沿岸管理
52 Integrated Coastal Zone Management ICZM 統合的沿岸域管理
53 Integrated Marine and Coastal Area Management IMCAM 海洋及び沿岸域の統合管理
54 intertidal shore 潮間帯沿岸部
55 land/water and coastal zone 陸地・水域・沿岸
56 littoral deposit 沿岸堆積物
57 littoral zone 沿岸帯
58 longshore current 沿岸潮流
59 losses of coastal wetlands and mangroves 沿岸湿地とマングローブの消失
60 low-lying coastal area 低地の沿岸地域
61 map of sea area with vulnerable coastline 脆弱沿岸海域図
62 marine and coastal biodiversity 海洋・沿岸の生物多様性
63 marine/coastal subterranean karst and cave hydrological system 海洋沿岸域地下カルスト及び洞窟性水系
64 Mediterranean Basin 地中海沿岸地方
65 near-shore island habitat 沿岸島嶼生息地
66 nearshore marine zone 沿岸海域
67 neritic province 沿岸域
68 New Guinea and Offshore Islands ニューギニアと沿岸諸島
69 protection of the coastal zone 沿岸域の保護
70 sheltered tropical coastal environment 波から守られている熱帯沿岸環境
71 Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Center CEA-RAC 特殊モニタリング及び沿岸環境評価に関する地域活動センター CEA-RAC
72 state bordering the straits 海峡沿岸国
73 terrestrial part of the coastal zone 沿岸域の陸地部分
74 The Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action Plan of the Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) 地中海の海洋環境と沿岸地域を保護するための条約(バルセロナ条約)事務局の地中海行動計画調整ユニット