 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 basic guidelines 基本方針
2 basic policy 基本方針
3 Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Policy Management and Structural Reform 2002 経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針2002
4 Basic Policies for the Protection of Water Quality in Water Resources Area for the Purpose of Preventing Specific Trouble 特定水道利水障害の防止のための水道水源水域の水質の保全に関する基本方針
5 Basic Policy for Areawide Total Pollutant Load Control 総量削減基本方針
6 Basic Policy for Conservation of Lake Water Quality 湖沼水質保全基本方針
7 Basic Policy for Disaster Rehabilitation to Protect Beautiful Mountains and Rivers 美しい山河を守る災害復旧基本方針
8 Basic Policy for Measures against Aircraft Noise 航空機騒音対策基本方針
9 Basic Policy for Natural Environment Conservation 自然環境保全基本方針
10 Basic Policy for Nature Restoration 自然再生基本方針
11 Basic Policy for Preventing Adverse Effects on Ecosystems Caused by Invasive Alien Species 特定外来生物被害防止基本方針
12 Basic Policy for the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services 環境物品等の調達の推進に関する基本方針
13 Basic Policy for the Rejuvenation of Ariake Sea and Yatsushiro Sea 有明海及び八代海の再生に関する基本方針
14 Basic Policy of Total Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学的酸素要求量に係る総量削減基本方針
15 Basic Policy on Conservation of the Natural Environment 自然環境保全基本方針
16 Basic Policy on Measures to Tackle Global Warming 地球温暖化対策に関する基本方針
17 Basic Policy on the Captive Breeding of Okinawa Rails ヤンバルクイナの飼育下繁殖に関する基本方針
18 Basic Policy regarding the Promotion of Use of New Energy Resources 新エネルギー利用等の促進に関する基本方針
19 fundamental policy for reduction 削減基本方針
20 Plan for Reduction of Areawide Total Pollutant Load 総量削減基本方針
21 Reference Materials concerning the Basic Policies of Total Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus 化学的酸素要求量、窒素含有量及びりん含有量に係る総量削減基本方針に関する参考資料
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