 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
英語 英語略称 学名 日本語 日本語略称
1 environmental pollution 公害
2 public hazards 公害
3 public nuisance 公害
4 Action Plan for the Development and Diffusion of Low-emission Vehicles 低公害車開発普及アクションプラン
5 agreement on environmental pollution control 公害防止協定
6 agreement on pollution control 公害防止協定
7 agreement on pollution prevention 公害防止協定
8 approval of the regional environmental pollution control programs 公害防止計画についての同意
9 automobile pollution 自動車公害
10 Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control 公害対策基本法
11 business establishment concluding pollution control agreement 公害防止協定締結事業所
12 Center for the Redevelopment of Pollution-damaged Areas in Japan (財)公害地域再生センター あおぞら財団
13 Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会
14 certification of pollution-related patient 公害病認定
15 Committee of Authorities Concerned with Measures against Road Traffic Pollution 道路交通公害対策関係省庁連絡会議
16 comprehensive preliminary survey on industrial pollution 産業公害総合事前調査
17 conciliation 斡旋[公害紛争処理手続き]
18 conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention 環境保全・公害防止研究発表会
19 conference on environmental pollution control 公害対策会議
20 Conference on Studded Tire Pollution スパイクタイヤ公害会議
21 cost of pollution control works 公害防止事業費
22 Council on Cost Allocation of Pollution Control Public Works 公害防止事業費負担審議会
23 crime relating to environmental pollution 公害罪
24 departments or sections (offices) dedicated to pollution control 公害等専門部局課(室)
25 designated area for the relief of victims of pollution related diseases 公害認定地区
26 Direction of Class I Area under the Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Law 公害健康被害補償法第一種地域のあり方等について
27 disease caused by environmental pollution 公害病
28 disease caused by pollution 公害病
29 domestic pollution 生活公害
30 Eco Car World 2007 (Low emission Vehicle Fair) エコカーワールド2007(低公害車フェア)
31 Environment Protection Management System 交通公害低減システム EPMS
32 Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission 公害等調整委員会
33 environmental pollution complaint 公害苦情
34 environmental pollution complaint consultation desk 公害苦情相談窓口
35 environmental pollution complaint consultation staff 公害苦情相談員
36 environmental pollution complaint handling scheme 公害苦情処理制度
37 Environmental Pollution Control Center 公害センター
38 environmental pollution control manager 公害防止総括者
39 environmental pollution control measure 公害対策
40 environmental pollution control program 公害防止計画
41 Environmental Pollution Control Service Corporation 公害防止事業団
42 Environmental Pollution Control Service Corporation Law 公害防止事業団法
43 environmental pollution dispute 公害紛争
44 environmental pollution monitoring 公害監視
45 environmental preservation industry 公害防止産業
46 experience in having overcome serious pollutions 深刻な公害克服の経験
47 experimental research in pollution control by national research institute 国立機関公害防止等試験研究
48 Expert Committee on Chemical Substances of the Environmental Health Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会環境保健部会化学物質専門委員会
49 Expert Group on Biotechnology in the Planning Committee of the Central Council for Environmental Pollution Control 中央公害対策審議会企画部会バイオテクノロジー専門委員会
50 four major pollution related disease 四大公害病
51 Fund for Pollution Control Works 公害防止事業基金
52 Grievance Tribunal of Environmental Health Damage Compensation Office 公害補償審査室
53 harbor pollution control project 港湾公害防止対策事業
54 health hazards by food contamination 食品公害
55 industrial nuisance 工場公害
56 industrial pollution 産業公害
57 Industrial Pollution Control Association of Japan 産業公害防止協会
58 industrial pollution control facility 公害防止施設
59 industrial pollution control facility 産業公害防止施設
60 International Cooperation Utilizing the Experience and Knowledge of Having Overcome Pollution 公害克服の経験と智慧を活かした国際協力
61 Japan-U.S. Ministerial Conference on Environmental Pollution 日米公害閣僚会議
62 joint pollution prevention facility 共同公害防止処理施設
63 Law concerning Compensation and Prevention of Pollution-related Health Damages LCPPHD 公害健康被害の補償等に関する法律 公健法
64 Law concerning Entrepreneurs' Bearing of the Cost of Public Pollution Control Works Pollution Control Public Works Cost Allocation Law 公害防止事業費事業者負担法
65 Law concerning Special Government Financial Measures for Pollution Control Projects Pollution Control Financial Law 公害の防止に関する事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置に関する法律 公害財特法
66 Law Concerning Special Measures for Relief of Pollution-related Patients 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法
67 Law concerning the Improvement of Pollution Prevention Systems in Specific Factories 特定工場における公害防止組織の整備に関する法律
68 Law concerning the Relief of Pollution-related Health Damage Relief Law 公害に係る健康被害の救済に関する特別措置法 救済法
69 Law concerning the Settlement of Environmental Pollution Disputes 公害紛争処理法
70 Law for the Punishment of Environmental Pollution Crimes relating to Human Health 人の健康に係る公害犯罪の処罰に関する法律
71 liaison council concerning environmental dispute settlement 公害紛争処理連絡協議会
72 local environmental pollution research institute 地方公害研究所
73 low-emission truck 低公害トラック
74 low-emission vehicle 低公害車
75 Low-Emission Vehicle Fair 低公害車フェア
76 low-emission vehicle promotion 低公害車普及推進
77 low-emission vehicles 低公害車
78 Low-emission Vehicles Guidebook 低公害車ガイドブック
79 low-pollutant paints 低公害塗料
80 low-pollution vehicle 低公害車
81 low-pollution vehicle 低公害自動車
82 manager in charge of pollution control 公害防止管理者
83 member of environmental pollution monitoring committee 公害監視委員
84 Metropolitan Government's Plan to Protect Tokyo from Pollution 東京都公害防止計画
85 municipality with pollution control ordinances 公害防止条例制定市町村
86 National Examinations for Environmental Pollution Control Managers and Supervisors 公害防止管理者等国家試験
87 next-generation low-emission car 次世代低公害車
88 noise pollution 騒音公害
89 non-polluting industry 無公害産業
90 non-polluting vehicle 無公害車
91 non-pollution 無公害
92 number of business establishments concluding pollution control agreements 公害防止協定締結事業所数
93 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections by population size 人口規模別に見る環境保全及び公害部門職員数
94 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections in prefectures and municipalities 都道府県及び市区町村の環境保全及び公害部門職員数
95 officers listed under the environmental conservation and pollution sections 環境保全及び公害部門に従事する職員
96 officially recognized patients of pollution-related diseases 公害病認定患者
97 Osaka Airport Pollution Suit 大阪国際空港公害訴訟
98 pollution administration 公害行政
99 pollution by livestock effluent 畜産公害
100 pollution caused by military bases 基地公害
101 pollution control 公害規制
102 pollution control 公害防止