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contract year [11 entries]
  1. contract year    契約年度
  2. contract with an original expected duration of one year or less    当初の予想期間が1年以内の契約
  3. five-year contract (the Gold)    5年物先物(ゴールド)
  4. four-year contract (the ’Blue’)    4年物先物(ブルー)
  5. one-year contract (the White)    1年物先物(ホワイト)
  6. there are usually only four standard contract periods a year    通常、1年について4つの限月しか上場されていない
  7. three-year contract (the Green)    3年物先物(グリーン)
  8. to set up a XX-year contract    XX年契約を締結する
  9. to set up a XX-year contract with distributors    XX年契約を販売業者との間で締結する
  10. two-year contract (the Red)    2年物先物(レッド)
  11. XX-year contract    XX年契約