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contract for maintenance [4 entries]
  1. contract for maintenance    保守契約
  2. Revenue related to maintenance services is primarily for the maintenance of products or finished goods, with an obligation to provide maintenance services based on a maintenance contract concluded with the customer.    保守サービスに係る収益は、主に商品又は製品の保守であり、顧客との保守契約に基づいて保守サービスを提供する履行義務を負っております
  3. Revenue related to maintenance services is primarily for the maintenance of products or finished goods, with an obligation to provide maintenance services based on a maintenance contract concluded with the customer.    保守サービスに係る収益は、主に商品又は製品の保守であり、顧客との保守契約に基づいて保守サービスを提供する履行義務を負っております。
  4. This maintenance contract entails an obligation over a defined period of time, and revenue is recognized according to the degree of progress for which that obligation has been met.    当該保守契約は、一定の期間にわたり履行義務を充足する取引であり、履行義務の充足の進捗度に応じて収益を認識しております。