 x  Q 🎲  ?  Economics & Financial
come up with [12 entries]
  1. come up with    見いだす
  2. come up with    提供する
  3. come up with    補充する
  4. come up with ways of overcoming    を乗り越える方法を追求する
  5. to buy oneself some time to come up with a better answer    もっとまともな答えを出すまでの時間を稼げる
  6. to come up with a cost-effective strategy for expanding revenues that is defensible    コスト効率よく売り上げを伸ばしていくまともな戦略を策定する
  7. to come up with a product    商品を提案してくる
  8. to come up with action plans to address the issue    問題に対処する行動計画を策定する
  9. to come up with innovative ways    革新的方法を見出す
  10. to come up with new ideas    新しいアイデアを生み出す
  11. to come up with some alternatives    代案を出す
  12. to finally come up with the answer to the problem    問題点に対し最終的な解決を見い出す