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claim receivables [3 entries]
  1. claim receivables    債権
  2. To make allowances for the non-payment of trade receivables, loans receivable, and other receivables, for general receivables the historical default rate is used, and receivables designated as potentially irrecoverable is determined using actual default rates on an individual claim basis, and an allowance is made for the amount deemed irrecoverable    売上債権、貸付金等の債権の貸倒れによる損失に備えるため、一般債権については貸倒実績率により、貸倒懸念債権等特定の債権については個別に回収可能性を検討し、回収不能見込額を計上しております
  3. To make allowances for the non-payment of trade receivables, loans receivable, and other receivables, for general receivables the historical default rate is used, and receivables designated as potentially irrecoverable is determined using actual default rates on an individual claim basis, and an allowance is made for the amount deemed irrecoverable.    売上債権、貸付金等の債権の貸倒れによる損失に備えるため、一般債権については貸倒実績率により、貸倒懸念債権等特定の債権については個別に回収可能性を検討し、回収不能見込額を計上しております。