business establishment [7 entries]
- business establishment G 経 事業所 G 経 証
- business establishments G 経 事業所 G 経 経
- divesture of a business for establishment of a new entity G 経 新設分割 G 経 証
- divesture of a business for establishment of a new entity with the allotment of shares to the divesting entity G 経 分社型新設分割 G 経 証
- divesture of a business for establishment of a new entity with the allotment of shares to the shareholders of divesting entity G 経 分割型新設分割 G 経 証
- Matters Regarding Establishment of a System to Ensure the Appropriateness of Business Activities G 経 業務の適正を確保するための体制等の整備に関する事項 G 経 証
- quick establishment of business relations G 経 事業上の関係を素早く結ぶこと G 経 経