benefits paid [5 entries]
- benefits paid G 経 支払い給付金 G 経 経
- cost of retirement benefits paid by the employer instead of the government G 経 代行給付費 G 経 証
- retirement benefits paid G 経 退職金給付支払い額 G 経 経
- In addition to the above, the Company paid X yen in retirement benefits, which are remuneration other than performance-linked remuneration and non-monetary remuneration to X directors who retired during the fiscal year. G 経 上記のほか、当事業年度に退任した取締役X名に対し業績連動報酬等と非金銭報酬等以外の報酬等である退職慰労金X円を支給しております。 G 経 証
- Total amount of money or other economic benefits to be paid by the Company and the Company’s subsidiaries G 経 当社及び当社子会社が支払うべき金銭その他の財産上の利益の合計額 G 経 証