beginning of the fiscal year [3 entries]
- beginning of the fiscal year G 経 年度初め G 経 証
- This change in accounting policy has been applied retroactively, with the cumulative effect of the change reflected in the book value of net assets as of the beginning of the fiscal year under review. G 経 当該会計方針の変更は遡及適用され、会計方針の変更の累積的影響額は当事業年度の期首の純資産の帳簿価額に反映されております。 G 経 証
- This change in accounting standard has been applied retroactively, with the cumulative effect of the change reflected in the book value of net assets as of the beginning of the fiscal year under review. G 経 当該会計基準は遡及適用され、会計方針の変更の累積的影響額は当事業年度の期首の純資産の帳簿価額に反映されております。 G 経 証